DevExpress ASP.NET 18.2.7

Verbessert HtmlEditor-, Scheduler- und Spreadsheet-Steuerelemente für ASP.NET.
März 14, 2019
Neue Version


ASP.NET Web Forms


  • "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined" occurs when LayoutMode="Breakpoints", data source is empty and Endless paging is used.


  • Accessibility - The "Alt" attribute is empty for an IMG element of the Loading Panel control.
  • ASPxComboBox - The control layout is broken under certain circumstances in IE11 when it is placed into ASPxPopupControl.
  • ASPxDateEdit - The drop-down window is immediately closed in IE11 if accessibility is enabled.
  • ASPxDateEdit inside ASPxPopupControl - The "this.view.controller.ResetControlAdjustment is not a function" JS error occurs if the PickerDisplayMode property is set to "ScrollPicker".
  • ASPxDropDownEdit - The drop-down window is not shown on clicking the input area in IE11.
  • ASPxListBox - Items are hidden after scrolling to the bottom of the list in IE 11.


  • Search Panel - The cursor is incorrect on hovering over the Clear button area when the button is hidden.
  • The "GridView column calculation error" exception occurs under certain conditions if the ColumnMinWidth and HorizontalScrollBarMode properties are set.
  • The checkbox column editor shifts on a click when CellStyle.VerticalAlign is set to "Top" in the Material Compact theme.
  • The confirmation message is not shown when rows are deleted via the "DeleteSelectedRowsOnPage" toolbar item and SettingsBehavior.ConfirmDelete is enabled.
  • Grid View's bottom border is not rendered on the "Preview Changes" button click in the Office365 theme.
  • The ASPxGridViewBehaviorSettings.AllowDragDrop article does not describe that this property affects a Customization Dialog.


  • A custom dialog has a built-in dialog's width.
  • Selection does not properly work on an external ribbon click in IE11.
  • Table cell styles are removed after editing a cell under certain conditions.
  • The "Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null" JS error occurs if the "Column Properties" dialog is invoked for the first cell in the first column.
  • The "comment" tag is removed from the <head> tag when switching between tabs.
  • The <td> element is removed when cell text is selected and deleted.
  • The 'Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null' error occurs on an attempt to add a placeholder that contains brackets.
  • The caret moves to the end of markup after navigation if a readonly textarea element is focused.
  • The cursor cannot be set directly after a placeholder in Chrome.
  • Validation is triggered on any dialog button if adaptivity is enabled.
  • ASPxHtmlEditor loses content selection on a ribbon item click in IE11.


  • It is impossible to dynamically change the ShowNewValues option in the FieldFilterChanged event handler.
  • The automatically enabled security deserialization blocks the use of ASPxPivotGrid/MVC PivotGrid.


  • A TextBox outline removed with the "Shape Outline" Ribbon item isn't preserved on saving a document to RTF.
  • Export to PDF causes the OutOfRangeException when a document contains a header with a text box.
  • Leading or trailing Newline breaks toggling View Merged Data.
  • Table of Content is automatically updated before printing.
  • The "Unable to get property 'clone' of undefined or null reference" error occurs in IE under certain conditions.
  • The document layout in the Simple View is incorrectly rendered when a document with a floating textbox is opened.
  • Floating Image alignment is incorrect.

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • ASPxScheduler - The "Cannot read property 'getCalendar' of undefined" error occurs when a custom ToolbarViewNavigatorTemplate is implemented.
  • "JavaScript: Unknown Error" occurs when executing the ASPxScheduler.DataBind method on a callback request.
  • Appointments Layout is not re-calculated after deleting an appointment if a client render is enabled.
  • ASPxScheduler - The InfoSheet tooltip is not automatically closed on opening the Edit Appointment form.
  • BootstrapScheduler - It's not possible to select several time cells on mobile devices.
  • Custom Theme styles are not applied to the Floating Action Button control.
  • InvalidCastException occurs while generating an ASPxScheduler report if the ASPxSchedulerControlPrintAdapter.OnValidateResources event handler is specified in page markup.
  • The FetchAppointments event is not raised on binding ASPxSchedulerStorageControl to a data source (when the DataBind method is invoked).
  • The OriginalOccurrenceEnd property is calculated with an empty value while inserting a regular appointment.


  • Table column autofilters are removed after a table column is hidden.
  • The alert message about unsaved changes is not shown after inserting an image from the user's computer.
  • ASPxSpreadsheet's scrollbar is moved after a cell is removed.


  • It's not possible to start cell editing in Batch mode when AllowSort is set to false.
  • The exported Excel document's metadata has incorrect data values for certain cultures.
  • The footer summary is not updated after filtering.
  • The glitch effect occurs when a node is expanded in the Office365 theme.
  • The resulting exported Excel document's layout is incorrect when exporting the control in RTL mode.
  • The Styles.BatchEditDeletedNode.CssClass property causes "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • ASPxFileManager - Clicking a context menu item is not in effect under certain conditions.
  • ASPxMenu - An item's Align="Left" property doesn't work if HorizontalAlign="Right".
  • ASPxMenu - Incorrect menu dropdown width after displaying a hidden item with a long text via the SetVisible method.
  • ASPxMenu - The "Cannot read property 'className' of null" script error is thrown in a responsive menu when an item is hidden by disabling the Visible property.
  • ASPxPopupControl - Documentation - Add a note that it is impossible to use dragging/resizing in the adaptive layout.
  • ASPxPopupControl - The popup closing behavior is different in Chrome and Firefox when CloseAction is set to "MouseOut".
  • ASPxRibbon - The RibbonComboBoxItem.Text property returns an empty value.
  • ASPxTreeView - A node is still clickable even with ClientEnabled set to false (in Virtual mode).
  • ASPxUploadControl - An error on uploading files when a Web Farm is used.

XtraCharts Suite

  • WebChartControl does not load data after the upgrade to version 17.2.5.

XtraReports Suite

  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - The exported file name of Japanese characters (PrintPreviewOptions.DefaultFileName) is corrupted in IE and Edge.
  • End-User Report Designer - A report's data source is lost on being opened (the XPObjectSource issue).


MVC Data Editors

  • ComboBox - Сertain item height is incorrect when ItemTemplate is defined and ItemStyle.Wrap is enabled.
  • DateEdit - The Minute and Hour hands are not centered when the adaptive layout is used.
  • DateEdit - The remote Validation method gets a previous value when the UseMaskBehavior mode is used.
  • GridLookup with grouping - It's not possible to expand a group.
  • ListBox - External editors' validation is triggered when searching in ListBox without submitting a form.
  • ValidationSummary ignores field names specified in a .resx file.

MVC GridView

  • A top border of the first group row is not rendered in a Moderno theme if column headers are hidden.
  • Creating cell bands with the Columns.AddRange method adds duplicated columns to an MVC Grid View control.
  • A convention error occurs during editing when a custom model binder is used.
  • An exception occurs when the grid is loaded on a callback in Batch Edit mode and TreeList scripts are loaded before GridView scripts.
  • Batch Edit - The "Cannot read property 'GetItemCount' of undefined" occurs when editing date fields after a callback.
  • Batch Editing - New rows are added to a data source in a wrong order.
  • TreeList - A vertical scrollbar position is not restored after a callback in Edge.

MVC HtmlEditor

  • The dialog's layout is corrupted when the editor is located inside an item of FormLayout with UseDefaultPaddings enabled and SettingsItemCaptions.Location set to "Top".
  • The IgnoreUpperCaseWords and IgnoreMixedCaseWords properties are ignored by SpellChecker.

MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions

  • ASPxGridView - Toolbar item alignment causes an exception after upgrade to v18.2.5.
  • ASPxImageGallery - The # character is encoded in templates.
  • File Manager - Custom Errors are not showing while uploading multiple files if only certain files were uploaded with errors.
  • Menu - Responsive Layout - Item separators are incorrectly rendered in the Material Compact theme.
  • PopupControl - The "Invalid calling object" exception is thrown in a modal popup in IE11 if Angular is used in a project.

MVC Pivot Grid

  • The "Cannot add more than one customization form to the same ASPxPivotGrid control" exception is thrown when the Customization Form is set before Pivot Grid in markup.
  • The PivotGridExtension.CreateDrillDownDataSource method returns an empty data set when the virtual scrolling mode is enabled.

MVC Report

  • All report data source's queries are executed each time a cascading parameter is changed.
  • End User Report Designer - Properties' expressions are not updated when selecting the Pivot Grid's field.
  • HTML5 Document Viewer - 'Cannot read property 'ArrayStore' of undefined' error after updating Angular applications to version 18.2.5.
  • One of Number Formats (#, #) has a typo.
  • Web Report Designer - Decimal constants cause a syntax error in the Expression Editor.
  • Web Report Designer - "Uncaught TypeError: formattingRuleLinks is not a function" error is thrown when a report with Pivot Grid is converted from Legacy Data Bindings to Expressions.
  • Web Report Designer - A client-side updateFont function throws an exception after the upgrade to v18.2.
  • Web Report Designer adds extra characters to field names after loading a report created in the Visual Studio designer.
  • WebDocumentViewer - It is impossible to hide the Highlight Editing Fields button.

MVC RichEdit

  • The Undo button is disabled after the insertRtf command is used for the first time.
  • A JavaScript error occurs under certain circumstances if a table occupies two pages in a document.
  • An inserted image's long name is cut in the dialog.
  • Inserted images are empty when SqlOfficeStateProvider is used.
  • It is not possible to hide the "Bookmarks" context menu option.
  • Setting the Height property is ignored under certain conditions if this property value is lower than 250.
  • The "Cannot read property 'row' of null at InsertTabCommandBase.addTableRowIfRequire" JS error occurs when the "Tab" key is pressed several times.
  • The "Index out of range" exception is thrown on an attempt to open the "Insert image" dialog when Redis Document State Manager is used.
  • RichEdit with SqlOfficeStateProvider - The "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range." exception occurs in the DevExpress.Web.ASPxRichEdit.Export.ColorModelInfoCache.RegisterItem method.

MVC Scheduler

  • A custom error text specified using the SchedulerExtension.SetErrorText method is not returned to the client on callback requests.
  • ASPxScheduler - The client-side AppointmentDeleting event is raised several times if the deleting operation is caused by the Floating Action Button click.
  • Error about conflicting appointments is not shown in a built-in SchedulerStatusInfo control on dragging an appointment if AllowAppointmentConflicts is set to Forbidden.

MVC Spreadsheet

  • It's not possible to open a new sheet if an end user added this new sheet and the current document is changed.
  • Names in the legend are lost on an attempt to switch a row/column on a Pie chart.

MVC TreeList

  • It is impossible to customize edit form settings using the SettingsPopup.EditForm property.
  • The CustomEditorName property does not work properly.

ASP.NET Bootstrap


  • Bootstrap Accordion Demo (VB) can't run locally.

Bootstrap Data Editors

  • BootstrapBinaryImage - The "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception occurs when the control is in EnableServerResize mode.
  • BootstrapDateEdit - The "Cannot read property 'GetCurrentWindowElement' of null" JavaScript error message appears on an attempt to open the drop-down window.
  • BootstrapListBox - It's not possible to enter text in the search box in IE11 when the control is located inside BootstrapDropdownEdit.

Bootstrap GridView

  • BootstrapGridViewComboBoxColumn - The column editor layout is broken under certain circumstances.
  • Command Column buttons are highlighted (underlined) incorrectly after creating/editing/deleting records.
  • Master-Detail scenario - A scrollbar is moved to the top when a detail grid's row is clicked.
  • Master-Detail scenario - Batch Editing - It is impossible to start editing if StartEditAction is FocusedCellClick.

Bootstrap Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • Azure settings are lost if a control is placed in FormLayout.
  • BootstrapFileManager - NullReferenceException occurs when the SettingsToolbar.Visible property is disabled.
  • BootstrapFormLayout - The BootstrapTabbedLayoutGroup.ActiveTabIndex is set to 0 when its item is hidden on a postback.

Bootstrap Rich Text Editor

  • ASPxRichEdit is not referenced when BootstrapRichEdit is added on a page via the Toolbox.

Bootstrap Scheduler

  • A current time marker is not rendered in Time Line View by default in version 18.2.
  • BootstrapScheduler - The OK button is not enabled after all the required fields are filled.
  • Custom appearance settings specified for view cells in the HtmlTimeCellPrepared event handler are not updated correctly on callback requests.


XtraReports Suite

  • HTML5 Document Viewer - The OnServerError event is not working in Angular.
  • Web Report Designer - Integration into Angular - The "ReferenceError: Unable to process binding (Message: DevExpress is not defined)" error occurs upon clicking the Next button on the "Choose summary functions" page.

ASP.NET Core Bootstrap

Layout (ASP.NET Core Bootstrap)

  • "Cannot read property 'style' of null" JS error occurs on changing a PageControl's active tab if the ShowTabs property is set to false.

Scheduler (ASP.NET Core Bootstrap)

  • BootstrapScheduler for ASP.NET Core - The calendar and view navigation panels are not shown when the control is rendered in an invisible tab of BootstrapPageControl.
DevExpress ASP.NET

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

Alle preisgekrönten ASP.NET, MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Bootstrap und Blazor-Komponentensammlungen, Bibliotheken und Erweiterungen, die von DevExpress in einem Paket zusammengefasst wurden.

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