Highcharts Stock JS v9.2.0

Integriert neue Serien des Typs Heikin Ashi und Hollow Candlestick.
August 20, 2021
Neue Version


  • Improved ES module architecture with support for tree shaking for the most commonly used modules.
  • Added new feature, series.relativeXValue, allowing point X values to be relative to the series.pointStart and subject to series.pointInterval and series.pointIntervalUnit.
  • Added Heikin Ashi and Hollow Candlestick series types.
  • Added support for declaring an indicator series before the main series.
  • Added support for creating a custom indicator on an additional axis using the Stock Tools popup.
Highcharts Stock JS

Highcharts Stock

Leistungsstarke Finanzdiagrammbibliothek.

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