Handsontable V12.1.0

Verschieben Sie Zeilen und Spalten noch einfacher, wenn einige ausgeblendet sind.
Juni 30, 2022
Neue Version


  • Move rows and columns more smoothly when some are hidden.
  • Added getNearestNotHiddenIndex(), a new method that finds the visual index of the nearest non-hidden row or column.
  • Added Czech and Serbian translation.
  • Added new hooks: beforeColumnFreeze, afterColumnFreeze, beforeColumnUnfreeze, and afterColumnUnfreeze.
  • Replaced HTML entities appearing in Handsontable's license texts with canonical counterparts.
  • Updated the Pikaday optional dependency to 1.8.2, to let Handsontable work with Parcel 2 without errors.
  • React: Changed the wrapper's lifecycle methods, to let Handsontable work with React 17+ without warnings.
  • Angular: Moved the @angular/core dependency to peer dependencies.


JavaScript-Datenraster mit der Darstellung einer Tabellenkalkulation.

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