ExpressGridPack 23.1.6

Verbessert Editors, Grid und TreeList.
Oktober 6, 2023
Neue Version


ExpressEditors Library

  • BlobEdit - The icon text register is changed for an empty value.
  • cxCheckComboBox - EditValue property is null after clearing the editor with ClearKey.
  • TdxActivityIndicator's color is incorrect in the WXI skin if SkinPaletteName is set to Darkness.


  • dxX509SelectCertificate function does not work in a 64-bit application.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • An access violation error occurs on registering a COM-server with the TcxGrid Component - the application hangs.
  • Banded table views - An Access Violation error occurs when dragging a column header from GroupByBox over the grid's right border.
  • Banded table views - It is not possible to drag a column from Customization Form into an empty band.
  • BlobEdit - The icon text register is changed for an empty value.
  • TdxSpreadSheet generates corrupted XLSX files if the application runs on a machine with European locale settings.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • An error occurs after validating TcxDBTreeList by the down arrow key if the OptionsData.SmartLoad property is active.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Captions of TdxGalleryControl items are unreadable if an application uses the WXI skin with dark palettes.
  • dxOrgChart items are painted white if the application uses the WXI skin with the Darkness palette.
  • Maximized skinned form does not use the full screen mode.
  • SVG icons of QuickAccessToolbar buttons are colored incorrectly in certain skins.
  • TdxActivityIndicator's color is incorrect in the WXI skin if SkinPaletteName is set to Darkness.
  • TdxBar is incorrectly drawn in the WXI skin if it is placed at the bottom.


Fügen Sie Ihren Delphi- und C++Builder-Anwendungen umfangreiche Raster-, Druck-, Pivot-Tabellen-, Baumlisten-, Layout- und Skinning-Funktionen hinzu.

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