Über Aspose.GIS for .NET

Erstellen, bearbeiten und konvertieren Sie GIS-Dateiformate mit nativen .NET-APIs.

Aspose.GIS for .NET enables you to access and manipulate geographic information from vector based geospatial data formats. You can read, write and convert most popular GIS file formats such as Shapefile and GeoJSON from within your .NET applications, without requiring any additional tools or software.

Supported File Formats

Vector files in GIS

  • ESRI Shapefile: SHP, SHX, DBF, QIX, CPG
  • TopoJSON: JSON, TopoJSON
  • ESRI File Geodatabase: GDB
  • Geography Markup Language: GML
  • Google Earth: KML
  • GPS Exchange Format: GPX
  • MapInfo Interchange Format: MIF
  • MapInfo Tab Format: TAB, DAT, DBF, MAP, ID
  • OpenStreetMap: OSM
  • Comma-Separated Values: CSV


  • PostgreSQL (PostGIS)
  • SQL Server (MS SQL)

Raster files in GIS

  • Esri ASCII / Esri grid: ASCII

Web Tiles

  • XYZ Tiles: Slippy Maps


  • Scalable Vector Graphics: SVG
  • Portable Network Graphics: PNG
  • Bitmap: BMP

Aspose.GIS for .NET Features

  • Data Handling and Creation
    • Layer Management: Create and manage layers and datasets from various file formats, including C# GDAL.
    • Geometric Shapes: Generate points, lines, and surfaces, including non-linear geometries like curves and arcs.
  • 2D Data Visualization
    • Dynamic Map Rendering: Create clear and insightful maps with dynamic rendering to present geo data.
    • Custom Styling: Customize the appearance and style of geometric shapes.
    • Symbol Combining: Combine symbols for complex drawings.
    • Text and Labeling: Add labels, style text, and enable place detection on maps.
  • Geospatial Analysis
    • Advanced Analysis: Analyze relationships and interactions between geographic objects.
    • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed choices based on geospatial analytics.
  • Coordinate Transformation
    • SRS (Spatial Reference Systems): Manage SRS for accurate positioning and visualization.
    • Coordinate Conversion: Express points or vectors in various coordinate systems.
    • Reprojection: Reproject geometries and layers for compatibility and accuracy.
  • Raster Support
    • Reading: Read popular raster formats, including GeoTiff, TIFF, Esri ASCII.
    • Reprojection and Transformation: Involves adjusting resolution, changing the aspect ratio, resizing, or aligning the raster with a specific geographic area and coordinate system.
    • Cropping: Precisely align vector and raster data. Crop by geometry, extent, and mask.
  • Database Integrations
    • PostGIS: Work with geospatial data stored in PostgreSQL using the PostGIS extension to store and manage geospatial data.
    • SQL Server: Interact with geospatial data stored in SQL Server.
  • GDAL Integration
    • GDAL Support: Import data from a wide range of sources and formats, expanding the capabilities of your system to read geospatial data in various formats. GDAL supports hundreds of data formats, both vector and raster.
  • Map Creation
    • Simplified Map Creation: Create maps in various formats without in-depth technical expertise.Map Builder: Easily build maps without getting into the technical details. With support for tiles, raster data, vector layers, and reprojection capabilities.SRS Management you can manage map projection.
    • Consistency: Ensure consistent map projections.