Chart TypesChoose from over 20 different chart types including 3DBar, Area, Bar, Bubble, Financial,Gantt, Line, Pareto, Pie, Radar-Polar, Scatter, Statistical, Surface & Contour.
PrintingUsing the Printer Object, you will have control over margins, paper orientation, color or pattern printing, amongst others. The supported methods will also allow you to prompt the user with page setup, preview and print dialogs to ensure the user prints exactly what they want.
End User ExperienceThe Chart FX UI including the Toolbar, Context Sensitive Menus and Dialogs provides an easy way for the End User to change visual attributes of any chart element. Advanced features like the ability to change the rotation angle and perspective of a 3D Chart or change axis settings are also included.
Passing DataPassing data from databases and text files is supported by Chart FX’s core objects; however, depending on the platform, all the code required to read data from additional data sources such as XML, array and collection sources is isolated in an additional library allowing Software FX to easily build additional "Data Providers” as the need arises without having to modify the core objects.
Multiple AxesWhen you first create and populate a chart, Chart FX will use a “best-fit" algorithm that accommodates the numerical axis settings automatically. This behavior minimizes the initial programming effort of customizing the chart’s numerical axes. Advanced features such as logarithmic scales, multiple axes as well as axis sections and panes are all included.
Selecting the Chart's OutputChart FX supports a method called RenderToStream that allows the developer to select, among other things, the type of desired output for your charts. By default, Chart FX will generate a PNG image of the chart if you do not specify the type, and call the RenderToStream method. The RenderFormat and OutputWriter properties may also be used to render charts in the desired format.
Data AnalysisChart FX provides a spreadsheet called DataGrid allowing users to see all the series and points contained within the chart in a spreadsheet type fashion. Other advanced Data Analysis features included are Custom Grid Lines, Highlighting, Conditional Attributes, Per Point Attributes and Data Compacting.
Chart FX ExtensionsChart FX Extensions like Chart FX Annotation, Chart FX Maps, Chart FX OLAP, Chart FX Statistical or Chart FX Financial are available and provide a cost effective method of adding specific functionality to the core products without the need to purchase a full-blown product to provide such features.
Performance and ScalabilityChart FX allows developers to generate charts in a myriad of formats. Which one to choose depends not only on performance and scalability, but also on other important issues such as browser compatibility, interactivity, accessibility and security. The Chart FX server control can dynamically generate and render PNG, JPEG, .NET, ActiveX, SVG and Flash files.
Advanced FeaturesAlthough most buttons in the Chart FX user interface (ToolBar, MenuBar, etc) perform a specific action when pressed, there are other buttons presenting a list of subcommands. Other advanced features include, capture mouse events and bitstream chart generation.
Borders and other Chart ToolsChart FX image borders are prepared to handle additional tools and windows that can be displayed in the chart area, including Toolbar, Legend windows and Data Editor. The chart displayed above uses an Embed image border, notice how the different elements are properly rendered with the same border type.