ComponentOne Reports for WinForms
Adds powerful, flexible database reporting to your applications.
Veröffentlicht von MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity)
Wird von ComponentSource seit 1996 vertrieben
ComponentOne Reports for WinForms allows you to quickly and easily create Microsoft Access-style database reports for your Visual Studio.NET applications. ComponentOne Reports for WinForms includes two components parts: the C1Report component, which generates Access-style database reports, and its companion Report Designer (C1Designer). The C1Designer is an application that can create, edit, load, and save report definition files that can be read directly by the C1Report component. ComponentOne Reports for WinForms also includes a migration utility to migrate your Crystal Reports applications to ComponentOne Reports for WinForms. Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 compatible (VS2005, VS2008)
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ComponentOne Reports for WinForms is sold as part of ComponentOne Studio Enterprise and the ComponentOne Studio for WinForms.
ComponentOne Reports for WinForms allows you to:
Preview: ComponentOne Preview for .NET documents can be automatically loaded into a Web browser or your Windows application. Users can then easily zoom, pan, scroll, and navigate the document.
Format: You have full control of paragraph formats, fonts, colors alignment and justification, as well as options for scaling...
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