More features, functionality, and better performance.

Change control colors without modifying control templates.

Add report viewing capabilities to your Silverlight apps.

Experience flexibility & speed with a small footprint.

Support for over 20 international languages.

ComponentOne Book for SilverlightC1Book is an ItemsControl, so you can bind it to any data source. Each item in the data source can be a UIElement or a generic object that gets converted into a UIElement using templates. C1 Book for Silverlight enables you to customize the look and feel of the book pages; for example, show page folds and display inner and outer shadows.

ComponentOne DataGrid for SilverlightComponentOne DataGrid for Silverlight includes several advanced features. C1 DataGrid for Silverlight automatically resizes the row and column to fit the contents. Implement custom end-user operations such as incremental search and record set filtering using the filter bar, a special data entry row below the column headers.

Promote Designer/Developer CollaborationBuilt with XAML, ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight components promote collaboration in your team and fit seamlessly into your developer/designer workflow. Furthermore, you can take XAML from Silverlight and use it in your WPF application.

Custom Drag Sourcing and Drop Targeting in SilverlightComponentOne Drag Drop Manager for Silverlight has an extensive set of methods and events that allow you to control the entire drag-and-drop process. Drag Drop Manager for Silverlight provides helper methods that simplify the process of adding drag-and-drop functionality to your applications. Just register some elements as drag sources and some as drop targets, and then handle the DragDrop event to move or copy the elements to their new location.

Spell-checking in RichTextBoxRichTextBox supports both types of spell-checking using the C1SpellChecker component.

Insert and Edit TablesInsert new tables, rows and columns with the click of a button. Specify individual cell borders, sizes and text alignments. You can even merge cells and convert plain text to tables just like in Microsoft Word.

LocalizationThe C1RichTextBox toolbar ships localized in several languages, and new languages can be added by developers.

Built-in Themes and Color PalettesC1Chart can be professionally designed with just two properties. It includes 12 built-in themes and 22 color palettes. Themes apply to the entire chart area while palettes apply to just the chart elements (bars, points, pie slices, etc). Combine themes with different palettes to make an endless combination of looks or customize them precisely in code and markup.

InteractionEnhance the end-user experience by allowing users to zoom, scale, and scroll the chart. Customize the actions by specifying how the user should perform them, such as by mouse drag or key input.

Multiple Plot AreasStack multiple plot areas horizontally and vertically. Just specify which data series belongs in which plot area to increase readability and analysis of multiple collections, while sharing common chart parts such as axes, legends and titles.

Customizable AxesC1Chart gives you many axis options such as time display, logarithmic scales, axis scrolling, custom axis labels and support for multiple axes. Display multiple, dependent axes on the top, bottom, left, or right of the chart by simply adding to the chart's Axes collection.

Multiple Chart TypesCombine multiple, different chart types into one chart. Just set the ChartType property on each data series to achieve your desired combination.