Integrieren Sie eine Funktion zum Hochladen und Herunterladen von Dateien auf einen IIS-Webserver.

Veröffentlicht von DEXTSolution
Wird von ComponentSource seit 2010 vertrieben

Preise ab: $ 450.00 Version: V3.2


Please note that this product is no longer supported by the publisher. As a legacy product it is available for purchase but is no longer eligible for product support or maintenance.


DEXTUploadX is a client-side ActiveX component that allows you to add upload and download functionalities to your server. DEXTUploadX works in the HTTP environment with RFC1867 standards. It supports unicode file name and form data and works in multilingual environments. DEXTUploadX offers an intuitive UI to users and offers various APIs and events to developers.

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

DEXTUploadX updated
DEXTUploadX updated
October 26, 2011Patch-Veröffentlichung
DEXTUploadX patched to V3.0.4
DEXTUploadX patched to V3.0.4
December 13, 2010Patch-Veröffentlichung
DEXTUploadX adds new ListView functions
DEXTUploadX adds new ListView functions
September 17, 2010Veröffentlichung mit neuen Funktionen
Version 3.0.3 adds functions to provide count, size and name of selected files in ListView.
DEXTUploadX adds dynamic size change
DEXTUploadX adds dynamic size change
April 14, 2010Veröffentlichung mit neuen Funktionen
Version 3.0 also supports background images for ListView and sorting by column name.

Preise ab: $ 450.00

One software license is required per server. Run-time royalty free. Please note: There may be a delay before you can use this software as a unique License key needs to be generated using your order...

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  • ActiveX OCX