DevExpress WPF 22.2

Released: Dec 9, 2022

Updates in 22.2


Microsoft .NET 6.0/7.0 - Windows

  • Added full support for Microsoft .NET 7.
  • This release now requires .NET 6 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (v17.0) or higher.
  • This does not affect .NET Framework customers, the product assemblies will continue to target .NET Framework 4.5.2 in this release cycle.


  • Microsoft Windows 11 Dark Theme - The new Windows 11 Dark theme is based on the Windows 11 Dark Mode.
  • Automatically Switch a Theme from Light to Dark Mode - Added new System themes that use Windows App Mode and automatically switch the current theme from light to dark mode (and vice versa). This auto-switch option is now available for the following DevExpress themes:
    • Windows 11.
    • Windows 10.
    • Microsoft Office 2019 / Office2016SE.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 / 2017.

Data Grid

  • Total Summary Panel Position - Added new TotalSummaryPosition property which specifies the location of the Summary Panel within a view. The TableView, TreeListView, and CardView can now display the Summary Panel at the top or bottom as requirements dictate.
  • Data Filtering - Performance Enhancements - Performance attributes for the following UI elements have been enhanced:
    • Filter Editor.
    • Drop-down Filter.
    • Filter Panel.
    • MRU Filter List.
  • Asynchronous Data Editing - You can now incorporate asynchronous data editing within the WPF Data Grid when using Server Mode or Instant Feedback mode. DialogEditFormBehavior allows you to execute the following operations asynchronously:
    • Initialize the edit form dialog (CreateEditItemViewModelCommand).
    • Validate changes or add a new row (ValidateRowCommand).
    • Delete data rows (ValidateRowDeletionCommand).
  • Unbound Columns - Custom Types - Added new UnboundDataType property which allows you to set unbound column type explicitly. You can now specify previously unavailable types, such as 'TimeSpan' or 'DateTimeOffset'.

Tree List

  • Asynchronous Loading of Child Nodes - The WPF TreeList control and TreeListView within the DevExpress WPF Data Grid can now load data asynchronously.
  • Performance Improvements - Improved the WPF TreeList control's BeginDataUpdate / EndDataUpdate implementation. Batch modifications are now twice as fast when compared to previous versions.

Data Editors

  • New Path Editor - Added new Path Editor which allows you and your users to easily specify a path to either a file or folder. Users can enter path information within the edit box, browse the file system to select a file/folder, or drop the file/folder within the editor. Features include:
    • Configurable file/folder Browse Dialog (Open File, Save File, Folder Browser).
    • File/folder Path Validation.
    • Drag & drop file/folder support.
    • Display System and Custom Icons.
    • You can use the WPF Path Editor within DevExpress container controls like the WPF Data Grid, WPF TreeList, etc.
  • Buttons - Provide Visual Feedback for Async Operations - DevExpress WPF Button Controls (e.g., simple, dropdown, split buttons) can now indicate the progress of bound asynchronous operations (tasks). While the operation is in progress, the button displays a wait indicator. This allows you to offer visual feedback for data-intensive operations.
  • Password Box - Password Reveal - The WPF Password Box ships with a new password reveal button. Users can click the reveal button to unmask a password. A long press on the button reveals the password until release.
  • Date Navigator - Performance Improvements - The Date Navigator can now switch views much faster than before. Users will notice a significant performance gain when navigating dates within the WPF Scheduler control (if bound to a multi-month Date Navigator).
  • Custom Masks for Text Editors - Added a new CustomMask event for all WPF Text Editors. Handle this event to incorporate custom patterns when the predefined mask types do not address your business requirements. Event arguments allow you to obtain input text, user actions that triggered the event (e.g., insert, delete, backspace, etc.), and the result of the action itself. You can also process the editor's selected text/caret position, or cancel the edit operation entirely.
  • New Date-Time Masks in Text Edit - Added new Date-Time masks which help you edit DateTimeOffset, DateOnly, and TimeOnly structures. When one of these masks is used, the text editor automatically converts its EditValue to an appropriate type (to easily bind it to a property within your View Model). DateOnly and TimeOnly mask types can be used in .NET 6+ apps.
  • Date Edit - Specify the Default View in Code - Added new SelectionView which allows you to specify the default view (Month, Year, Years, or Year Range) in code.

Ribbon & Toolbars

  • Bar Item Menu Header - Show/Hide Caption - Added new ShowContentHeader property which allows you to display/hide captions for individual bar item menu headers (and by extension, create Windows 11-inspired context menus).


  • On-Demand Data Loading - The WPF Scheduler Control can now load appointments asynchronously. When used, DevExpress-powered WPF scheduling solutions remain responsive.
  • Date Navigation Panel - Dropdown Calendar and View Selector - The Date Navigation Panel can now display new UI elements. The Calendar button opens the dropdown calendar. The View Selector allows users to switch between calendar views. Use the ShowCalendarButton and ShowViewSelector options to display/hide the corresponding UI elements.


  • New UIObjectService - Added a new UIObjectService service. You can attach this service to any UI element in a View to access the element directly from a ViewModel.
  • Numeric Mask Attribute - Always Show Decimal Separator - Extended the NumericMaskAttribute with a new AlwaysShowDecimalSeparator option. When enabled for a numeric data field, a bound editor formats its edit value to a string (the display value), and retains the decimal separator (".") even if the fractional portion of the edit value is zero.

Property Grid

  • New API for Context Menus - You can show, hide, and customize context menus in code. New API includes:
    • MenuOpening.
    • ShowPropertyMenu.
    • ShowNewItemMenu.
    • HideMenu.
    • IsMenuVisible.
  • Collection Buttons - API Enhancements - The WPF Property Grid control now includes CollectionButtonsVisibility and CollectionButtonClick events. These events allow you to set up the Add and Remove collection buttons. You can display/hide these buttons conditionally and process desired add/remove operations.
  • In-Place Editors - Process User Actions - Added the following events:
    • GetIsEditorActivationAction - Specifies whether an action activates the editor.
    • ProcessEditorActivationAction - Cancels the activation action.
    • GetActiveEditorNeedsKey - Passes user actions to the editor.


  • Themed MessageBox - Text Selection, Button Images and Close by Timer:
    • Text Selection - Enable the AllowTextSelection option to select a message and copy it to the clipboard.
    • Button Images - Use the Glyph and GlyphAlignment properties to display and alight an image within the button.
    • Close by Timer - Use the TimerTimeout property to specify and enable the timer. The timer is applied to the default button. Use the TimerFormat property to format the timer string displayed in the button.
  • Middle-Click Scroll - The WPF UI controls now support middle-click scroll operations. Users can now press the middle mouse button and move the mouse to scroll content. Set the AllowMiddleMouseScrolling property to 'true' to enable this capability. Use the MiddleMouseScrollSpeed and MiddleMouseScrollThreshold properties to customize scroll behaviors. The following DevExpress WPF UI controls support this feature:
    • Data Grid.
    • Accordion.
    • Document Preview Control.
    • Gantt Control.
    • List Box.
    • PDF Viewer.
    • Pivot Grid.
    • Property Grid.
    • Rich Text Editor.
    • Spreadsheet.
    • TreeList.
    • TreeView.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/2013 Deprecation

  • Support for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 has been deprecated. The demo apps now target .NET Framework 4.7.2 (.NET Framework 4.7.2 targeting pack is available in Visual Studio 2017, 2019, and 2022). Demo app changes do not affect .NET Framework customers in any manner - the product assemblies will continue to target .NET Framework 4.5.2 in this release cycle.

Installation & NuGet

  • The Unified Component Installer now includes an option to install localized resources for certain languages (DE, ES, JA). These resources will not be installed by default - you can install them at your discretion. Note: localized resources may be incomplete. Navigate to Localization Service to download community sourced localization for other languages.