Froala Charts
Interaktive Diagramme zum Erstellen reaktiver Berichte und Dashboards für Internet-Apps und mobile Anwendungen.
Veröffentlicht von Froala
Wird von ComponentSource seit 2020 vertrieben
Froala Charts is a comprehensive library of JavaScript charts to create beautiful, responsive reports and interactive dashboards for web and mobile applications. Incorporating data visualization capabilities via interactive charts has been a growing need for enterprise app developers that are also using Froala Editor. Froala Charts bridges the gap. Draw quick insights from your data using the wide variety of visualizations from basic charts, widgets, to domain-specific charts and more. Choose from basic column charts, line charts, pie charts, combo charts, to powerful widgets such as gauges, KPIs, funnels, or advanced domain-specific charts such as timeseries, radar, chord, sankey, heat maps and more.
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