Über IPWorks C++ Edition

Internet-Freigabe Ihrer Anwendungen mit C++-Klassen.

Zu den verfügbaren Funktionen gehören E-Mail, Netzwerkverwaltung, FTP, Telnet, HTTP u. v. m. Darüber hinaus enthält IP*Works! übergeordnete Komponenten, wie z. B. Web Upload, WebForm, FileMailer und TraceRoute. Der Zugriff auf Webdienste, wie z. B. Yahoo Stock Quotes und UPS Address Verification, wird anhand von ASP-Beispielseiten erläutert.

IPWorks Features

  • A comprehensive suite of tools covering all major Internet technologies.
  • Fast, robust, and reliable, the components consume a minimum of resources.
  • Small and lightweight components with no dependencies on external libraries.
  • Native development components for all supported platforms and component technologies.
  • A complete unified framework with a common easy-to-learn object model and simplified interfaces allowing you to be more productive.
  • Rigorously tested, rock solid components that have undergone hundreds of thousands of hours of testing both internally by our QA team and externally through customer installations.
  • Secure data communications using up to 256-bit strong SSL encryption and digital certificates.
  • Authenticate and encrypt/decrypt data sent and received using TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.1 (SSL2 and SSL3 also supported).
  • Supports both client-side and server-side authentication.
  • Full control over the SSL authentication process allows you to accept or reject certificates based certificate parameters.
  • FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptography.
  • Secure server component is also included. Easily build SSL-enabled FTP servers, Web servers, or custom server solutions.
  • Advanced digital certificate capabilities allow you to create, sign, and manage X.509 digital certificates. Become your own certificate authority.

Components for Internet Communications

The following is a comprehensive list of the components included in IPWorks. Please note that due to platform limitations, not all components are available in all editions.

  • CalDAV, CardDAV, CertMgr, DNS, FileMailer, FTP, GRPC, HTMLMailer, HTTP, ICMP, IMAP, IPInfo, IPMonitor, JSON, LDAP, MCast, MIME, MX, NetClock, NetCode, OAuth, OData, Ping, POP, RCP, REST, RSS, S3, SMPP, SMTP, SOAP, SysLog, TCPClient, TCPServer, Telnet, TFTPClient, TFTPServer, TraceRoute, UDP, WebDAV, WebForm, WebUpload, WSClient, WSServer, XML and XMPP.