Pine AI Excel Add-In

Pine AI Excel Add-In can generate, fix, and describe custom Excel formulas and VBA code for you, saving countless hours of online research and boosting productivity. Pine AI can analyze, summarize, transform, and translate data straight from a workbook and get the results straight back in Excel, ready to continue your work. Write prompts and work with data in your own language.

Pine AI is a VBA based Microsoft Excel add-in which adds the power of AI (ChatGPT) to your Excel workbooks. Pine AI allows users to generate, fix and explain custom Excel formulas and VBA code, thus boosting efficiency by saving countless hours from online research.

Users can analyze, summarize, transform, and translate data directly from Excel and receive results back in their worksheets, ready for further action. Pine AI can understand the data and even suggest action points. Additionally, if...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Die Leistungsfähigkeit von KI für Excel-Arbeitsmappen
Die Leistungsfähigkeit von KI für Excel-Arbeitsmappen
May 21, 2024Product Update
Pine AI Excel Add-In v1.4.2 bietet erweiterte Eingabemöglichkeiten und ermöglicht die Generierung von Excel-Formeln und VBA-Code aus detaillierteren Eingabeaufforderungen.
Pinexl und ComponentSource werden Partner
Pinexl und ComponentSource werden Partner
May 9, 2024New Publisher
ComponentSource arbeitet mit Pinexl zusammen, um Add-Ins für Microsoft Excel bereitzustellen, die KI für Analysen und Datenvisualisierung nutzen.

Preise ab: $ 129.35

Pine AI is licensed on a subscription basis, priced per year. To continue using the software after the initial subscription period you will need to renew your license. There are three types of...

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Product Type
  • Microsoft Excel Add-In