Redgate .NET Developer Bundle Preise

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Redgate .NET Developer Bundle - 1 Year Subscription License

1 User - 1 Year Subscription License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M12Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551303

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 739.53 In den Einkaufswagen

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

1 User - 1 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 5)

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M12Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551304

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 629.64 In den EinkaufswagenMindestmenge: 5

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

1 User - 1 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 10)

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M12Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551305

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 591.03 In den EinkaufswagenMindestmenge: 10

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

Redgate .NET Developer Bundle - 2 Year Subscription License

1 User - 2 Year Subscription License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M24Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551306

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,479.06 In den Einkaufswagen

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

1 User - 2 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 5)

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M24Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551307

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,259.28 In den EinkaufswagenMindestmenge: 5

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

1 User - 2 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 10)

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M24Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551308

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,182.06 In den EinkaufswagenMindestmenge: 10

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

Redgate .NET Developer Bundle - 3 Year Subscription License

1 User - 3 Year Subscription License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M36Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551309

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 2,218.59 In den Einkaufswagen

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

1 User - 3 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 5)

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M36Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551310

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,888.92 In den EinkaufswagenMindestmenge: 5

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

1 User - 3 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 10)

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SKU-111 / P179U1M36Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518562-1551311

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,773.09 In den EinkaufswagenMindestmenge: 10

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for Redgate .NET Developer Bundle

Redgate .NET Developer Bundle - Subscription License Renewals

To renew your Subscription License please call us for a quote.

  Für Preis anrufen

Redgate .NET Developer Bundle - Perpetual Licenses

Only available to customers who already own Redgate .NET Developer Bundle Perpetual Licenses.

To buy Perpetual Licenses please call us for a quote.

  Für Preis anrufen

To buy Support and Upgrade Renewals for Perpetual Licenses please call us for a quote.

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Redgate .NET Developer Bundle Lizenzierung

One software license is required per user.

Support and upgrades
For the duration of the purchased support period; 1 Year, 2 Years or 3 Years, you will receive:

  • Free upgrades: when a new major version of the software is released, you'll get it for free.
  • Full support: if you hit any problems, you can speak to a dedicated product support engineer by email, forum, or phone.


139.39 KB
November 22, 2024
155.62 KB
November 18, 2024