Stimulsoft BI Designer
Erstellen, Bearbeiten und Anzeigen von Berichten und Dashboards.
Veröffentlicht von Stimulsoft
Wird von ComponentSource seit 2008 vertrieben
Preise ab: $ 587.95 Version: 2025.1.x NEU Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 24, 2025
Stimulsoft BI Designer helps you easily create reports and dashboards. Just connect to your data, drag it onto the template page, configure the display, and save the finished document. You can send it by email, share it on social networks or publish it on your Web site. Stimulsoft BI Designer is part of the unified Stimulsoft framework, which includes the engine to generate reports and analyze data, the report designer, and viewer. You can create a report on the computer, continue editing it in the cloud using the online designer, and view the result on a tablet screen. All reports and dashboards have a single universal format and work on any operating system.
Stimulsoft BI Designer Features
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