Stimulsoft BI Server Preise

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Stimulsoft BI Server 2025.1.x

Includes 1 Year Subscription (minor and major versions and technical support)

1 Creator License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-SiUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-551231-1394122

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,959.95 In den Einkaufswagen

Server licensing is based on the number of Creators. A Creator is a person who has an account on the server, connects to it from the client-side, registered there as a Creator, and uses Stimulsoft Server for designing reports and dashboards.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Subscription Account User Name, Password and instructions on how to access to the full version of the product, activation code and license key. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Stimulsoft Subscription Account User name, Password and new expiry date

Team License - up to 4 Creators

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-TiUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-551231-1394123

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 4,899.95 In den Einkaufswagen

Server licensing is based on the number of Creators. A Creator is a person who has an account on the server, connects to it from the client-side, registered there as a Creator, and uses Stimulsoft Server for designing reports and dashboards.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Subscription Account User Name, Password and instructions on how to access to the full version of the product, activation code and license key. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Stimulsoft Subscription Account User name, Password and new expiry date

Enterprise License - up to 15 Creators

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-StUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-551231-1394124

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 12,739.95 In den Einkaufswagen

Server licensing is based on the number of Creators. A Creator is a person who has an account on the server, connects to it from the client-side, registered there as a Creator, and uses Stimulsoft Server for designing reports and dashboards.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Subscription Account User Name, Password and instructions on how to access to the full version of the product, activation code and license key. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Stimulsoft Subscription Account User name, Password and new expiry date

Worldwide License - Unlimited Creators

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-Ww

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Stimulsoft BI Server 2025.1.x - Subscription Renewals

Extends your Subscription (minor and major versions and technical support) for a further year

1 Creator License - 1 Year Subscription Renewal

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-Si-ReUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-551231-1394126

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 979.95 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your Subscription (minor and major versions and technical support) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Stimulsoft Reports Subscription Account and confirmation of your new Subscription expiry date will be sent to you by email. You will then be able to download the latest version of the software from your account. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Stimulsoft Subscription Account User name, Password and new expiry date

Team License - up to 4 Creators - 1 Year Subscription Renewal

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-Ti-ReUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-551231-1394127

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 2,449.95 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your Subscription (minor and major versions and technical support) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Stimulsoft Reports Subscription Account and confirmation of your new Subscription expiry date will be sent to you by email. You will then be able to download the latest version of the software from your account. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Stimulsoft Subscription Account User name, Password and new expiry date

Enterprise License - up to 15 Creators - 1 Year Subscription Renewal

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-St-ReUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-551231-1394128

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 6,369.95 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your Subscription (minor and major versions and technical support) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Stimulsoft Reports Subscription Account and confirmation of your new Subscription expiry date will be sent to you by email. You will then be able to download the latest version of the software from your account. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • Stimulsoft Subscription Account User name, Password and new expiry date

Worldwide License - Unlimited Creators - 1 Year Subscription Renewal

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: SRV-Ww-Re

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Stimulsoft BI Server Lizenzierung

Server licensing is based on the number of Creators. A Creator is a person who has an account on the server, connects to it from the client-side, registered there as a Creator, and uses Stimulsoft Server for designing reports and dashboards.

The reports and dashboards server is delivered with a minimum package of one Creator (a Single license). This means that one Creator can create server content in one office location and one server installation.

If you need more than one Creator, you should select Team (up to four Creators + White Label), Enterprise (15 Creators + White Label), or WorldWide (unlimited Creators + White Label)

Subscription gives you updates and new versions of the software and technical support for 1 year.

Licenses are perpetual.


51.79 KB
Dezember 12, 2024