A project management application.

Veröffentlicht von Change Vision
Wird von ComponentSource seit 2005 vertrieben


TRICHORD products are not available for sale from May 31st, 2010, this product is going to be provided for free.
Please download the free version by clicking here


TRICHORD is a simple Agile project management tool that helps developers and managers to track status at a glance from three viewpoints ( Time, Task, Team ), using "Kanban Board" (a Just-In-Time pull control method in Toyota Production System).TRICHORD has three main features. The Kanban Board feature which visualizes the project's task status intuitively, like cards on a wall. The Burndown Chart feature visualizes the amount of remaining tasks and the project's velocity and the Niko-niko Calendar feature visualizes the team's mood and serves as a simple twitter-like SNS communication center for the project.

Task Kanban is a dashboard. First you breakdown tasks and make them into cards then paste them on the Task Kanban. There are three lanes in the Kanban, To do, Doing and Done. By placing task cards in lanes depending on the task status, you can see the status of these tasks clearly at a glance. TRICHORD has two more kanbans, Story Kanban that indicates the project progress by Timeboxes and Feature Kanban that indicates by Release and iteration plans.

Burn down chart
Burn down chart is a...

Machine Non-specific License: The Machine Non-specific License is a machine-free license restricted to a given user. It is not restricted to a single machine, but can only be used by a specified user...

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