A proposito di Sencha Ext JS

Crea applicazioni HTML5 a uso intensivo di dati utilizzando JavaScript.

Sencha Ext JS is a comprehensive JavaScript framework for building data-intensive, cross-platform web and mobile applications for any modern device. Ext JS includes 140+ pre-integrated and tested high-performance UI components such as HTML5 calendar, grids, pivot grid, D3 adapter, trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and much more.

Sencha Ext JS includes everything you need to create stunning Web applications.

Accelerate web application development with an enterprise-ready framework, components and tools built to work together seamlessly.

The extensive 140+ pre-built component library includes but is not limited to:

  • Grid  - Handle millions of records and provides built-in functionality such as sorting and grouping.
  • Pivot Grid - Add powerful analytics functionality to JavaScript applications.
  • Exporter - Export data from the standard grid or Pivot Grid to a wide variety of common formats.
  • Layouts - Ensures the proper sizing and positioning of all components with the powerful and flexible layout system.
  • Charts - Visually represent data with a broad range of dynamic and static charts including line, bar, and pie charts.
  • D3 Adapter - Add sophisticated Data-Driven Documents package (D3) visualizations such as heatmaps, treemaps, sunbursts and more to your web applications.

Improve the design process with pre-integrated tools like Sencha Architect, Stencils and Themer.

  • Architect - empowers developers to build Ext JS applications using drag-and-drop features, so less time is spent on manual coding.
  • Stencils - enables developers to quickly and easily mock up, style, prototype, and evaluate interface designs.

Sencha Test (included in the Enterprise Edition) is a comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS. Sencha Test helps developers and test automation engineers to:

  • Improve the quality of your apps through end-to-end testing.
  • Leverage unit and functional testing for Ext JS apps to increase team productivity and accelerate release cycles.
  • Create robust tests by leveraging the deep integration between Sencha Test and Ext JS.

Ext JS includes a flexible layout manager to help organize the display of data and content across multiple browsers, devices, and screen sizes. It helps you to control the display of components, even for the most complex user interfaces. Ext JS also provides a responsive config system that allows application components to adapt to specific device orientation (landscape or portrait) or available browser window size.

Ext JS includes features that align with the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The Ext JS ARIA package makes it possible to add accessibility support to your applications by providing tools that you need to achieve Section 508 Compliance. Using the ARIA package, you can create apps that can be used by people who need assistive technologies such as screen readers to navigate the web.

Data Package
The robust data package included in Ext JS decouples the UI components from the data layer. The data package:

  • Allows client-side collections of data using highly functional models that offer features such as sorting and filtering.
  • Is protocol agnostic, and can consume data from any back-end source.
  • Comes with session management capabilities that allow several client-side operations, minimizing round-trips to the server.

ReExt seamlessly integrates Sencha Ext JS components with your React Codebase, enabling the rapid development of modern and data-intensive applications.