Informazioni sulla licenza Text Control DS Server

Se hai bisogno di discutere in merito ai requisiti di licenza per Text Control DS Server, contatta i nostri specialisti di licenza Text Control.

DS Server is licensed for a period of one (1) year, and must be renewed on a yearly basis in order to continue functioning in your application. Includes software updates for 1 Year

DS Server is licensed on a per-server installation basis. An unlimited number of developers can work with the provided Web API end-points and client-side packages that are connected to the DS Server backend.

An unlimited number of applications can access the document services and you can create unlimited OAuth security profiles (if enabled).

An unlimited number of end-users can access the document services utilized within your application.

Technical support is included in all subscription licenses, including direct access to technical support engineers (telephone, e-mail and chat).

Contratto di licenza