Actipro Gauge for WPF

Actipro Gauge for WPF includes a complete set of circular, linear, and digital gauge controls, along with LED lights and toggle switches. It allows you to visually render multiple data points in a compact area that is quickly recognized and understood by users. All gauge appearances can be customized using an enormous number of pre-built or custom options.

Actipro Gauge for WPF Features

  • Circular and Linear Gauges - Circular and linear gauges can recreate everything from speedometers to thermometers and rolling scales.
  • Scales and Ticks - Multiple scales can be added to each gauge, which determines the overall placement of elements like tick marks and pointers. Labels and major/minor tick marks can be added anywhere along a scale.
  • Ranges - Ranges use color bands to highlight areas of interest in a gauge. The start and end values and thickness can be...

최신 뉴스

Actipro Gauge for WPF 23.1.3
Actipro Gauge for WPF 23.1.3
September 12, 2023신규 버전
게이지에 대한 사용자 상호 작용을 개선합니다.
Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
April 6, 2023신규 버전
.NET 7 호환성을 추가하고 Docking, Grids, Ribbon 컨트롤을 개선합니다.
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.1
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.1
March 16, 2022신규 버전
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 디자이너 지원을 개선합니다.
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.0
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.0
December 17, 2021신규 버전
Microsoft .NET 6 호환성을 추가합니다.

Actipro Gauge for WPF 2020.1
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2020.1
October 6, 2020신규 버전
.NET Core 어셈블리 및 NuGet 패키지를 추가합니다.
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2018.1 build 0674
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2018.1 build 0674
December 14, 2018신규 버전
세그먼트 디지털 게이지를 업데이트 하여 작은 따옴표(single quote)와 큰 따옴표(double quote) 문자를 지원 합니다.

가격: ₩ 361,400

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...

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Actipro Software 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅

Actipro Software
Actipro Software사 제품의 배포자로서 공식 권한을 소유한 ComponentSource는 합법적인 라이선스를 고객님께 직접 제공합니다.
Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core
  • Source Code

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