Cascaded Lookup Column
SharePoint 애플리케이션에 조회 기능을 추가합니다.
ArtfulBits사에서 공개
2011년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
SharePoint 애플리케이션에 조회 기능을 추가합니다.
Cascaded Lookup Column is intended to enhance the standard Microsoft SharePoint lookup functionality. The component allows you to build a relationship between parent and child columns. The data selected in one field will determine the options presented in another. For multiple data entry, just select the "Allow multiple values" option, the front-end UI will now allow multiple selections to be added/removed from a list. If you're using a series of parent-child Cascaded Lookups, each subsequent field will immediately update as you add or remove each selection from the prior one.
Cascaded Lookup Column supports converting from a standard "Lookup" column and vice versa (it allows editing content of Cascaded Lookup column in Datasheet view).
Cascaded Lookup Column Features
Why ArtfulBits Cascaded Lookup?
ArtfulBits Cascaded Lookup is a powerful lookup tool that saves your time by reducing presented options and avoids the possibility of incompatible value selection.