CIM Explorer

CIM Explorer is a tool for exploring the Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation database. The CIM database represents an extensive repository of information about your servers and client machines, which, as a system or network administrator, you need to utilize every day. Use CIM Explorer’s Windows PowerShell code generating abilities to create code for queries or even a GUI app with just a few clicks. The integrated PowerShell console for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core makes testing generated PowerShell statements instant and easy.

CIM Explorer Features

  • Browse remote machines - Connect to any machine in your network and browse, search or query its CIM database. All namespaces, classes, properties and methods are cached locally so you can browse even when you are not connected.
  • Access all CIM information - You have full access to all the help and documentation that the CIM provider stores in the database.
  • Search everything - A large number of options enables you to search any particular class or namespace as well as the...

최신 뉴스

CIM Explorer 2020 (2.2.90)
CIM Explorer 2020 (2.2.90)
July 3, 2020신규 버전
PowerShell 7에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.
WMI Explorer 2019 (2.2.87)
WMI Explorer 2019 (2.2.87)
October 11, 2019신제품
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 런타임에 업그레이드를 추가합니다.
WMI Explorer 2019 (2.2.84)
WMI Explorer 2019 (2.2.84)
February 11, 2019신제품
64 및 32 비트 PowerShell 콘솔 및 설치된 owerShell Core 버전에 대한 지원을 추가 합니다.
WMI Explorer 2019 (2.2.80)
WMI Explorer 2019 (2.2.80)
December 4, 2018신규 버전
이제 관리자 권한으로 설치하는 동안 WMI 데이터베이스 캐시를 빌드합니다.
WMI Explorer 2018
WMI Explorer 2018
February 12, 2018신규 버전
새 런타임 콤포넌트를 추가하고 캐시 빌드 성능을 향상시킵니다.
WMI Explorer 2017 (2.2.74)
WMI Explorer 2017 (2.2.74)
November 21, 2017신규 버전
WMI 클래스와 해당 속성 및 메서드를 관리합니다.

가격: ₩ 98,800

One software license is required per user. One year of product maintenance and SAPIEN Product Support included. Maintenance can be renewed each year thereafter, to continue receiving updates to minor...

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SAPIEN Technologies 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅

SAPIEN Technologies
SAPIEN Technologies사 제품의 배포자로서 공식 권한을 소유한 ComponentSource는 합법적인 라이선스를 고객님께 직접 제공합니다.
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10

최근 수상
