
PrimalXML was specifically designed to edit, manipulate, and create XML files, providing you with the core set of functionality that you need to get your job done. Open any XML file and view it as text or in an element tree. Syntax coloring for elements and attributes makes everything clear. Apply styleSheets to the XML data and view the results in HTML. Validate the XML against a schema. PrimalXML is full of the features that you need like bookmarking, find and replace, as well as copy/paste and clone of attributes.

PrimalXML Features:

  • Provides XML PrimalSense code completion.
  • Automatically color your XML files for easy editing.
  • Validate XML files using a Schema file.
  • Apply style sheets and view the HTML results.
  • Explore and edit the XML using the Element Viewer.
  • Auto-format your XML files.
  • Fast element navigation and manipulation.
  • Copy and Paste XML objects intelligently.
  • Find and Replace XML objects.

최신 뉴스

PrimalXML 2023 (4.7.77)
PrimalXML 2023 (4.7.77)
May 17, 2023신규 버전
XML 파일 또는 여러 XML 파일에서 XML 스키마를 유추하는 함수를 추가합니다.
PrimalXML 2019 (4.5.53)
PrimalXML 2019 (4.5.53)
February 11, 2019신제품
업데이트된 Visual C++ 런타임 및 마이너한 버그 수정을 포함 합니다.
PrimalXML 2019 (4.5.52)
PrimalXML 2019 (4.5.52)
December 4, 2018신규 버전
SAPIEN 툴에 대한 링크와 함께 Ribbon에 새 Tools 탭을 추가하며, Windows 10 호환성을 추가합니다.

가격: ₩ 95,900

One software license is required per user. One year of product maintenance and SAPIEN Product Support included. Maintenance can be renewed each year thereafter, to continue receiving updates to minor...

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SAPIEN Technologies 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅

SAPIEN Technologies
SAPIEN Technologies사 제품의 배포자로서 공식 권한을 소유한 ComponentSource는 합법적인 라이선스를 고객님께 직접 제공합니다.
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10

최근 수상
