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Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight

Silverlight의 정교한 기능을 활용하는 풍부한 고급 데이터 시각화를 추가.

Infragistics사에서 공개
1996년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중


New licenses of Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization are no longer available. However, if you are an existing customer with a valid subscription you will be automatically upgraded to an Infragistics Professional subscription by the publisher.

If you have any queries please contact us.

Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight 리뷰

평균 리뷰 스코어: 5 (4)

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가장 최근의 긍정적인 리뷰

익명5 등급

Awesome tools, these guys really make it easy to develop beautiful forms.

가장 최근의 중요 리뷰

이 제품에 대한 부정적인 리뷰가 없습니다.
익명5 등급

Awesome tools, these guys really make it easy to develop beautiful forms.


Infragistics' two new NetAdvantage Data Visualization toolsets, WPF and Silverlight, contain lots of impressive data presentation components that roughly work in the same way.


Infragistics integrates a new API into its data visualization xamDataChart component.


The Infragistics Data Visualization bundle includes a wide variety of controls for converting data into visual displays: two kinds of graphs covering every format I know of, two charts (one targeted for static data and another for handling live data streams), a configurable gauge control, a pivot grid, a map, a timeline and a tree map.