Stimulsoft Reports.JS 관련 정보

JavaScript를 위한 사용하기 쉬운 보고기 생성기.

Stimulsoft Reports.JS is a robust set of components for working with reports. The report generator works in any JavaScript application, installation of browser extensions or frameworks is not required. The product contains everything you need to create, edit, build, view, and export reports of high complexity.


  • Client-side - As Stimulsoft Reports.JS uses JavaScript and HTML5 to design reports, it has only one requirement; support for these technologies in a Web browser. You do not need the server side at all.
  • Server-side - Stimulsoft Reports.JS can also be used on the server. For example, it can work together with Node.js.
  • Reporting Features - Lists, groups, drawing, charts, RichText, images, indicators and barcodes.
  • Compatibility - Reports created in other Stimulsoft products will work in Stimulsoft Reports.JS and vice versa.
  • One Report for Any Device - Stimulsoft Reports.JS can work on devices with different resolutions, it also supports mouse control and touch. No matter what device you use (computer, tablet or smartphone), you can view reports.