TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android
Android 개발 환경을 위한 harts, Maps 및 Gauges입니다.
Steema Software사에서 공개
1998년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
TeeChart Charting functionality has been extended to the mobile platform, integrating into and offering Charts, Maps and Gauges for Android, Windows Phone 7 and iPhone/ iPad development environments. TeeChart for .NET (Xamarin compiler) Chart for Android uses the C# version derived from the TeeChart for .NET codebase. Built in Xamarin for Android.
이미지 1/9
TeeChart mobile charting components offers the most common chart types, gauges and maps with customizable tools for data visualization in the mobile applications.
TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android Feature Summary
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Steema Software 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅