
1000 Notre-Dame
Lavaltrie, QC J5T 1M1
Ligação gratuita: +1 844 463.0419
Fax: +1 888 935.0608
Aberto: Mon-Fri, 7:30am-6:00pm EDT


Devolutions is a leading software company that provides concrete solutions to IT professionals from all around the world. The company is committed to delivering high-end solutions that help sysadmins and IT pros manage their environment and better achieve their every day tasks. Devolutions offers a complete remote connections and passwords management solution available on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Their products are used by more than 300,000 users in 130 countries, including renowned...

Devolutions are one of the best software teams I’ve worked with. You don’t get the same quality of service with larger companies.

Tommy Boucher, IT Director, Coveo

Últimas Notícias

Atribua licenças automaticamente aos membros do grupo
Atribua licenças automaticamente aos membros do grupo
October 9, 2024Product Update
O Devolutions Server 2024.3 adiciona a capacidade de configurar grupos para a atribuição automática de licenças de produtos, melhorando o processo de gerenciamento de licenças.
Secure Privileged Accounts in Remote Connections
Secure Privileged Accounts in Remote Connections
October 4, 2024Product Update
Remote Desktop Manager 2024.3 increases its PAM vendor support, adding One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords credential entry.
Devolutions ganha dois prêmios ComponentSource
Devolutions ganha dois prêmios ComponentSource
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
A ComponentSource concedeu à Devolutions o Top 50 Publisher Award e o Top 100 Product Award de 2024.
Organize usuários do sistema de gerenciamento de senhas com marcação em tag
Organize usuários do sistema de gerenciamento de senhas com marcação em tag
November 13, 2023Product Update
O Devolutions Server 2023.3 permite marcar usuários com base em seus privilégios e rastrear atividades com novos relatórios.
Remote Desktop Manager Linux Edition 2023.2.2.4
Remote Desktop Manager Linux Edition 2023.2.2.4
October 2, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona o SSH Key Agent Manager e melhora o desempenho do arquivo offline.