Actipro Wizard for WPF

Actipro Wizard for WPF dialogs take complex UI tasks and break them up into a series of simple steps. It is a lightweight control for building wizard dialogs, while conforming to standard specifications. Its straightforward API makes it easy to quickly configure wizard pages. Simply create a page, set its page type, caption, description, and start adding controls to it.

Actipro Wizard for WPF Features

  • Exterior Pages - Exterior pages have a watermark area on their left side. Welcome pages are used to convey the purpose of the wizard and completion/finish pages can be used to summarize the operation that was or is going to be performed.
  • Interior Pages - Interior pages have a header that extends across the top of the page, and typically appear as the inner pages used to collect information from the end-user. This information can include everything from contact...

Últimas Notícias

Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
April 6, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona compatibilidade com o .NET 7 e melhora os controles Docking, Grids e Ribbon.
Actipro Wizard for WPF 22.1.1
Actipro Wizard for WPF 22.1.1
March 16, 2022Nova versão
Melhora o suporte ao designer do Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
Actipro Wizard for WPF 22.1.0
Actipro Wizard for WPF 22.1.0
December 17, 2021Nova versão
Adiciona compatibilidade com o Microsoft .NET 6.
Actipro Wizard for WPF 2020.1
Actipro Wizard for WPF 2020.1
October 6, 2020Nova versão
Adiciona assemblies .NET Core e pacotes NuGet.
Actipro Wizard for WPF 2019.1 build 0682
Actipro Wizard for WPF 2019.1 build 0682
August 22, 2019Nova versão
Adiciona a capacidade de ajustar a margem ao redor de imagens de cabeçalho.
Actipro Wizard for WPF 2018.1 build 0675
Actipro Wizard for WPF 2018.1 build 0675
March 14, 2019Nova versão
A nova versão acelera a duração da animação de transição de página padrão.

Preços a partir de: $ 87.22

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...

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Actipro Software
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Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core
  • Source Code

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