Code OutliningCode outlining is a text navigation feature that can make navigation of large structured texts more effective.
Visual ThemesCode Editor supports color themes; light and dark color themes are included out of the box.
Search and ReplaceCode Editor supports all of the common search and replace operations.
Text selectionCode Editor supports selecting a portion of the text and a wide range of operations that can be performed on it.
Executing and Debugging C#/VisualBasic ScriptsScripter can run and debug C#/VisualBasic Console scripts and WinForms/WPF Applications.
Executing and Debugging TypeScript/JavaScript ScriptsScripter can run TypeScript/JavaScript scripts and projects. IronPython debugger can be embedded in its own process.
Executing and Debugging IronPython ScriptsScripter can run IronPython scripts and projects. IronPython debugger can be embedded in its own process.
Referencing Application-Defined Objects from ScriptObjects and types defined in the application can be accessed from the script.
Asynchronous Script ExecutionC#/Visual Basic Scripting allows asynchronous method execution.
Component and Controls PlacingIn Form Designer, you can use the mouse to drag controls, which are components with visual representations, such as buttons and text boxes, onto a design surface.
Saving and Running the Designed FormWinForms Form Designer can save its content to C#/Visual Basic or TypeScript/JavaScript source code, while WPF Form Designer uses XAML format instead.
Changing PropertiesOnce you add a control to the design surface, you can use the Properties window to set its properties, such as font or text.
Handling EventsYou can use the Properties window to specify which events you want to handle in your code by clicking on the Events button.
C#/Visual Basic ParsersC# and Visual Basic parsers rely on Microsoft Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") platform, which provides rich code analysis APIs.
TypeScript/JavaScript ParsersImplements syntax analysis using Microsoft TypeScript, which provides syntax and semantic analysis for TypeScript/JavaScript. - Based ParsersImplement Syntax analysis using LangServer protocol which uses native tools to provide code-editing features.
Advanced Code ParsersSyntax analysis is implemented using hard-coded algorithms for Python, Java, Ansi-C, VbScript, JavaScript, HTML and XML.
Generic Syntax Highlighting EngineRegular-expression based parser is designed to perform syntax highlighting for an unlimited number of programming languages.
Code CompletionCode completion can significantly improve the effectiveness of entering code by providing guidance about possible input values.