Aspose.Page for C++

Aspose.Page for C++ is a library for XPS and PostScript file rendering and manipulation. It allows you to create, modify and convert existing and new XPS files without requiring any other software. The API allows you to manipulate document pages and elements (including canvas, path, and glyphs), create and manipulate vector graphic shapes and specify colors in different color spaces. Developers can also convert PS and EPS documents to PDF as well as to different raster image formats.

Supported File Formats


  • Fixed Layout: XPS

Input Only

  • PostScript: EPS, PS

Output Only

  • Fixed Layout: PDF
  • Images: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP

EPS / PS Specific Output Formats

  • EMF, WMF

Aspose.Page for C++ Features

  • Convert PS, EPS, and XPS to various formats.
  • Create and modify XPS files.
  • Manipulate XMP Metadata.
  • Draw shapes in PostScript files.
  • Add and manipulate vector graphics in XPS files.
  • Select from a variety of brushes along with different color spaces for editing.
  • Add pages to PS...

Últimas Notícias

Aspose.Page for C++ V23.9
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.9
September 21, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para converter XPS em arquivos TIFF de várias páginas.
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.8
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.8
August 30, 2023Nova versão
Melhora o processo de carregar e salvar arquivos XPS.
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.7
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.7
July 20, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona o novo filtro 'CCITTFaxDecode'.
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.5
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.5
May 30, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para a subdivisão de fontes incorporadas.
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.3
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.3
March 23, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para caracteres UNICODE em arquivos PostScript.
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.2
Aspose.Page for C++ V23.2
February 24, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona a capacidade de criar e concluir documentos PostScript a partir do zero.

Preços a partir de: $ 587.02

Developer Small Business License: One Developer and One Deployment Location - A Developer Small Business License allows One developer to create an unlimited number of end user software using the...

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Component Type
  • C++ Class Libraries

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