Cloud Mail .NET Edition
Envie, receba e gerencie e-mails usando serviços em nuvem populares.
Publicado por /n software
Distribuído pela ComponentSource desde 1998
Preços a partir de: $ 545.09 Versão: 2024 (24.0.9149) NOVO Atualizado: Jan 18, 2025
Se precisar conversar sobre os seus requisitos de licenciamento de Cloud Mail .NET Edition, entre em contato com nossos especialistas em licenciamento /n software.
Nossos preços regulares são mostrados abaixo. Por favor, faça o logon para ver seus preços com desconto.
Single Developer Subscription, Royalty-Free Distribution, Free Upgrades for One Year, License is Perpetual Número da peça do fabricante: EMNJ-ANosso número da peça: CS-557568-1346381 |
Licenciamento e Entrega | $ 545.09 | Adicionar ao carrinho |
Developer License. A non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide right and license for the number of Developer(s) indicated in the Order Form to install the Software on any number of Machines in order to internally use the Software to create, develop and test Applications. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Product Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. Entregue via E-mail:
Free Upgrades for One Year Renewal |
Ligue para preço |
Developer License - A non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide right and license for the number of Developer(s) indicated in the Order Form to install the Software on any number of Machines in order to internally use the Software to create, develop and test Applications.
Royalty-Free Application Distribution - You may distribute Applications that use the Software as a runtime component without owing additional fees.
Standard Support