Froala Editor

Froala Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG HTML editor written in JavaScript that enables rich text editing capabilities for your applications. Simple to use, lots of features don't have to overwhelm the user with hundreds of buttons. The editor's smart toolbar can accommodate over 100 features in a simple interface, it groups all actions by scope into 4 categories providing an intuitive toolbar where every feature is easy to find and the most used ones are easily accessible.

Froala Editor Features
General Information

  • Easy to Integrate - The editor can be integrated in any kind of project in no time. It requires only basic JavaScript and HTML coding knowledge.
  • Popular - The HTML editor is popular among developers and it has plugins for the most popular development Frameworks.
  • Easy to Upgrade - Keep all your customizations separated from the editor folder and upgrading is just a matter of downloading the new version.
  • High-Quality Code - High quality code means LTFCE...

Últimas Notícias

Froala Editor v4.1.0
Froala Editor v4.1.0
July 14, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para Vue.js 3.
Froala Editor v4.0.17
Froala Editor v4.0.17
January 24, 2023Nova versão
A ferramenta Clear Formatting agora remove estilos embutidos do conteúdo colado.
Froala Editor v4.0.15
Froala Editor v4.0.15
October 19, 2022Nova versão
Melhora o plug-in Markdown para ajudar a mitigar ataques XSS.
Froala Editor v4.0.11
Froala Editor v4.0.11
May 10, 2022Nova versão
Adiciona uma opção para definir rodapés de tabelas.
Froala Editor v4.0.3
Froala Editor v4.0.3
July 7, 2021Nova versão
Adiciona a funcionalidade de tradução às opções Table Styles e Cell Styles.
Froala Editor v4.0.0
Froala Editor v4.0.0
June 2, 2021Nova versão
Adiciona suporte a Markdown e melhora o recurso Track Changes.

Preços a partir de: $ 881.02

Perpetual License - Includes perpetual development and use rights, with version upgrades under Maintenance and Support. Subscription/Annual/Term License - Licenses use of the software for 1, 2 or...

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Development Frameworks
  • Angular
  • Aurelia
  • Cake PHP
  • Craft CMS
  • Django
  • Ember JS
  • Gatsby
  • Ionic
  • Knockout JS
  • Meteor
  • React JS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Sencha
  • Symfony
  • Vue JS
  • WordPress
  • Yii Framework

Prêmios recentes
