PDF to Excel SDK
O desenvolvimento e automação de aplicativos PDF para Excel ficou mais simples.
Publicado por Investintech
Distribuído pela ComponentSource desde 2020
O desenvolvimento e automação de aplicativos PDF para Excel ficou mais simples.
Seamlessly integrate powerful PDF to Excel extraction functionalities into your projects with PDF to Excel SDK. The PDF to Excel SDK allows programmatic silent PDF to Excel conversions, giving you simple but incredibly powerful PDF conversion capabilities and workflow solutions.
Cross-platform & Configurable
Multi platform Shared Library (DLL, so and dylib) with C-compatible interface. C#.Net, Python, Java 8, C++ 11, and C proxy libraries/modules. APIs for Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Powerful Command-Line Tool
CLT allows for quick testing of engine capabilities through your favorite CLI. It’s versatility allows for automation using scripting languages batch, sh, bash, PowerShell, VBS, and others.
Output File Format Customization
Four possible output file format options: XLSX - with XLS backward compatibility, CSV - delimiter/comma separated value and ODS - Open/LibreOffice spreadsheet file format.