Sobre o Layer2 Business Data List Connector

Conecte uma lista do SharePoint com dados externos.

Layer2 Business Data List Connector solves many of the well-known issues that exist with SharePoint on-premises external data integration via BCS. It can keep native SharePoint lists in sync with 100+ external data sources, such as SQL/ERP/CRM and more without any programming, one-way or even two-way, automatically or on-demand. All SharePoint list features are available for your external data: views, filters, lookups, search, forms, change notifications, and workflows. This product is optimized for SharePoint on-premises.

Layer2 Business Data List Connector Features

  • Close the gaps that still exist with SharePoint out-of-the-box external data integration - While Microsoft SharePoint Business Connectivity Services (BCS) some external data records directly, there are still many gaps in functionality compared to native SharePoint lists. Including search, lookups, metadata, mobile and offline access, forms, change notifications, or workflows on external data change. There are also issues with performance, especially in case of larger data sets and remote systems. BCS needs programming and it supports only a limited number of external systems. Layer2 can completely close these gaps using a form-based, no-code, and easy to use SharePoint app to keep native SharePoint lists in sync with external data. All SharePoint list features are available for your external data sets. Simply create your SharePoint list and click "Connect to external data" in the SharePoint General List Settings...
  • Select your data provider to connect - The connector comes with data providers for ODBC, OLEDB, ADO.NET, Text/CSV, XML, RSS, SharePoint (CSOM), Exchange, Web Services (OData, SOAP), and more. It also works with any vendor specific ADO.NET driver, such as for Microsoft Office Excel, Access, SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems, and more.
  • Enter your connection string - You don't need programming or additional tools to connect. No need to modify your external system. Just enter a connection string in the list settings that fits to your connected system.
  • Select your external data set and key - You can query your data source using any query language your specific source system understands, such as SQL, XPath, OData, SOAP, and more. In case of databases you can also use stored procedures to return data sets.
  • Create your list columns on-the-fly and auto-map to external data fields - You can create the list structure and columns with one click based on the source data query results. To customize regarding column name and data types, simply remove and re-add columns as you want. You can also map SharePoint columns and external fields manually, if required.
  • Keep your data in sync manually on-demand, automatically in background or via API - You can update your SharePoint list on-demand manually using the Action Menu or Ribbon button. You can automate using a link or the API. Typically updates are done completely in background using pre-configured timer jobs as scheduled. Data changes, such as inserts, updates, or deletes in the external systems are processed as set. You can even enable write-back of changes in the SharePoint list to your data source, if required.
  • Connect whatever you want - 100+ apps and systems are supported for SharePoint data synchronization, such as SQL databases via ADO.NET, ODBC, or OLEDB, CSV/XML files, ERP/CRM/CMS systems, Exchange, SharePoint itself (other list, site, site collection, tenant or installation), Exchange, Dynamics, Azure, OData or SOAP web services, and more.
  • Make use of ALL SharePoint list features - Think about native SharePoint lists as some a cache for your external data. It's automatically up-to-date and has all list features available, such as views, sorting, grouping, filters, calculated fields, versioning, search, lookups, metadata, mobile and offline access, Office integration (like Outlook, Access or Excel connectivity), forms, notifications, workflows. You can use all types of lists, for example a contact list for external address data, calendar events, tasks, or custom lists. 3rd party tools will definitely work with Layer2 - as the data is in native SharePoint lists.
  • Secure and easy administration - Centrally manage connections in the SharePoint Secure Store to keep your configuration data safe. Connection data can be stored encrypted. No need to open list settings for end-users. Protect list settings using SharePoint access rights. Use the SharePoint ULS for debugging, setup email notifications in case of possible issues.
  • Programming not required, but possible - You can make use of the connector's feature-packed API to completely create, connect and update your lists via C#, PowerShell or workflows. Please find comprehensive documentation and code samples in the distribution ZIP and FAQs.

Connect to:

  • Access
  • Active Directory
  • Azure SQL
  • BlackCompass Visualizer
  • Box
  • C4C Hybris
  • Capsule CRM
  • CSV
  • Exact Online
  • Excel
  • Excel Services
  • Exchange
  • Facebook
  • HFSQL Database
  • Highrise CRM
  • Hybris
  • IBM DB2
  • IBM Informix
  • IBM iSeries AS/400
  • IBM Lotus Notes
  • Intersystems Cache
  • JIRA
  • JSON Data Integration
  • MailChimp
  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Project Server
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro and dBase (DBF)
  • Mimer SQL
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Nomadesk
  • OData
  • ODBC
  • Office 365
  • Officeatwork
  • Oracle
  • Pervasive PSQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Progress Sitefinity
  • QuickBooks Pro
  • QuoteWeks
  • RSS
  • Sage ERP/CRM
  • Salesforce
  • Samanage ITSM
  • SAP
  • SAP C4C Hybris
  • SAP SQL Anywhere (Sybase)
  • SAS
  • ServiceNow
  • SharePoint
  • SOAP Web Services
  • SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
  • SQLite
  • Twitter
  • Visual Studio Team Foundation
  • XML
  • Zoho CRM