Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition

Liquid Studio provides an advanced toolkit for JSON development The Development Environment contains a complete set of tools for designing JSON data structures and schemas. These tools provide editing and validation. For novice or expert, the intuitive interface and comprehensive features will help you save time and money delivering a successful project.

Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition Features

Text Editors

  • Including CSS, CSV, DTD, xHTML, JSON, RSS, TXT, WSDL, XDR, XQuery, XML, XSLT, XSD editing.
  • Auto complete Intellisense.
  • Colour coded text.
  • Outline (collapsible sections).
  • Multi-step undo / redo.
  • Validation against schema standards.

Web Service Tools

  • Generate SOAP request message (with content).
  • Execute web methods & view the results.

Projects and Source Control

  • Project tree containing all files.
  • Source control integration for SVN, Git...

Últimas Notícias

Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition v20.5.0.12573
Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition v20.5.0.12573
July 27, 2023Nova versão
Melhora o tratamento da conexão do serviço Web.
Liquid Studio v20.2.4.11877
Liquid Studio v20.2.4.11877
February 2, 2023Nova versão
Melhora o desempenho de 'Project Tree' e da ferramenta 'Find in Files'.
Liquid Studio v20.1.0.11669
Liquid Studio v20.1.0.11669
September 21, 2022Nova versão
Adiciona a opção de executar XQuery e XSLT a partir da linha de comando.
Liquid Studio v20.0.6.11591
Liquid Studio v20.0.6.11591
August 4, 2022Nova versão
Melhora a funcionalidade do XPath Query Builder.
Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition v20
Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition v20
May 25, 2022Nova versão
Adiciona YAML ao assistente de conversão JSON.
Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition 2021 (
Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition 2021 (
November 15, 2021Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.

Preços a partir de: $ 141.57

Installed User License - The software can be installed on a single computer for each Installed User License purchased and only used by a single user. Concurrent User License - The software can be...

Liquid Studio JSON Editor Edition também está disponível em:

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Liquid Technologies
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Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008

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