List & Label Enterprise Reporting Edition

List & Label is a reporting solution for all major development platforms, providing a powerful reporting engine, a flexible API and a feature-rich report designer. Just a few lines of code are needed to embed List & Label in your desktop, web or cloud application, saving you up to 50% development time. It allows the users of your app or yourself to create, view, export and print customized reports with endless possibilities like subreports, simple lists, multi-tables, crosstabs, charts, gauges, maps, shapefiles and much more. You can also work platform-independent from any device in the browser through easy-to-use web controls, or use the Report Server as an out-of-the-box reporting solution.

List & Label is performant, flexible and easy to use.

Klaus Mueller, Lear Corporation, Germany

List & Label Enterprise Reporting Edition
List & Label is available in three editions: Standard, Professional and Enterprise. The Enterprise Edition is based on an annual subscription which includes service packs and maintenance with access to major version updates. Direct premium manufacturer support is provided for free via forum, phone or support portal including remote support with a guaranteed bug fixing period within 14 days from reproducibility. The Enterprise Edition also offers...

Últimas Notícias

Reduza a carga do servidor para acelerar o processamento de dados
Reduza a carga do servidor para acelerar o processamento de dados
August 2, 2024Product Update
O List & Label 29.003 adiciona mecanismos avançados de cache para reduzir a carga do servidor e tornar as operações com uso intenso de dados mais rápidas e responsivas.
Crie aplicativos de relatórios VCL com RAD Studio 12.1
Crie aplicativos de relatórios VCL com RAD Studio 12.1
April 30, 2024Product Update
O List & Label 29.002 permite que os desenvolvedores projetem aplicativos VCL com poderosa funcionalidade de relatório usando a versão mais recente do RAD Studio.
Crie relatórios diretamente no navegador
Crie relatórios diretamente no navegador
October 30, 2023Product Update
O combit Report Server v29 adiciona um novo web designer que permite criar relatórios baseados em navegador, eliminando a necessidade de manter o software localmente.
List & Label 29 - Enterprise Reporting Edition
List & Label 29 - Enterprise Reporting Edition
October 20, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona novos tipos de gráficos (Barra, Linha e Área) ao Web Report Designer.
List & Label 29 - Professional Reporting Edition
List & Label 29 - Professional Reporting Edition
October 20, 2023Nova versão
Melhora o suporte a arrastar e soltar no designer, tornando a criação de tabelas muito mais fácil.
List & Label 29 - Standard Reporting Edition
List & Label 29 - Standard Reporting Edition
October 20, 2023Nova versão
Permite a análise de dados multidimensionais com tabelas cruzadas adjacentes.

Preços a partir de: $ 2,181.43

List & Label is a license for one developer: Individual, non-transferable, for one developer for installation on one computer or alternately for use on one notebook. Discounts are available for...

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Destaques do recurso

Como distribuidores oficiais e autorizados, a ComponentSource fornece a você licenças legítimas diretamente de combit.
Tipo de componente
  • .NET WinForms
  • Classe .NET
  • ActiveX OCX
  • DLL
  • VCL

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Anônimo5 estrela

List & Label  is a sound investment for developers whose applications require advanced reporting with efficient performance. The latest release of List & Label bolsters the product's standing... Leia mais

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