ButtonsButtons are widgets, which are typically used to perform a certain action, when clicked. NOV features a complete set of buttons that can contain arbitrary content (i.e. other widgets). Main types of buttons include: Standard buttons, Repeat buttons, Toggle buttons, Check boxes, Radio buttons, Split buttons plus others.

Color PickersColor pickers are widgets that allow the user to pick a color by modifying one or all of its color components through a visual interface. NOV includes Palette Color Picker, Luminance Color Bar, Hue Color Bar, Saturation-Brightness Color Box, HSB Box Color Picker, HSB Wheel Color Picker and Color Box.

Command BarsNOV implements advanced command bars that mimic the commanding logic of Microsoft Office 2003, Visual Studio etc. NOV command bars can contain any other widget, and have support for many advanced features. Specific sub types of commands bars include: Menu Bar, Tool Bar and Status Bar.

ContainersContainer widgets are used to contain other widgets and provide different adorner features to their content.Group Box, Pair Box, Uni Size Box, Splitter, Tab, Document Box, Scroll Content and many others.

Context PopupsContext popups are Popup Windows opened that are opened in a context fashion. Context popups are used usually used for: Context Menus and Custom Context Popups.

Drop Down EditsDrop down edits consist of a specific editing area and a drop down button located at the right side. When the drop down button is clicked the drop down edit opens popup window, which assists the user with the editing. Notable drop-down edits are: Combo Box, Date Time Box, Color Box and Split Buttons.

Text Visualization and EditingThe NOV Label and Text Box widgets allow for the visualization and editing of Unicode text. They are based on our proprietary managed Typography and as such are the only Label and Text Box in the .NET world that can guarantee you 100% identical text quality and speed in all environments. Label, Text Box, Auto Complete Text Box.

ThemesNOV widgets are styled with CSS. NOV initially comes with the following themes: Windows 7, Windows XP Blue, Windows Classic (with all color scheme variations) and Mac Lion.

Character FormattingCharacters can be formatted using different settings for font, font size, character style - bold, italic, underlined, strike-through style and different colors for background, foreground etc.

Paragraph FormattingParagraph formatting includes indentation, alignment, line height control, RTL support, tabs etc.

Bullets and NumberingNOV Text Editor supports bullet numbering, Multi level / nested bullet lists, Bullet Tabs, Counters, Templates etc.

TablesNOV Text Editor provides advanced support for tables - you can nest tables, split and merge table cells, insert and remove rows, apply borders etc.

SectionsNOV supports Headers and Footers, Page Size / Orientation, Columns, Column Separator, Section Breaks, Section Appearance customization.

Group BlocksGroup blocks can reside in any block container and contain any other type of block.They provide a convenient way to group blocks together and are very similar to "div" elements in HTML.

Editing FeaturesWYSIWYG, The control are completely device resolution independent – what you get on the screen will look the same way on any device (printer, pdf etc.). NOV supports: In place property editing, Normal, Print and Web views, Header / Footer - in place editing, Characters formatting - font size, font style, font name, superscript, subscript etc., Unlimited Undo / Redo, Find / Replace, Goto and Clipboard Cut / Copy / Paste / Paste Special commands.

Unique FeaturesNevron Text is one of the World’s fastest text processors and is able to process huge amounts of text. It can easily handle 1000+ page documents. The control is approximately five times faster than MS Word in both RTF import and layout processing speed. Presentation – the control features text processing features found in desktop publishing applications like the ability to apply images, gradients, stroke to all text elements (blocks, text, tables etc.). Open URL feature – the control can open URL with HTML directly, just like a browser. Paging Control – the control supports page formatting instructions at every level of the document tree including tables and floating blocks.

Gain Reusable KnowledgeIf you learn to program with Nevron Open Vision you can start developing cutting edge applications and user interfaces for all platforms, from a single code base.No more "Can I do this here like I did it there?" - If you know how to do it with Nevron Open Vision – you know how to do it everywhere. That's reusable knowledge.

Gain Tangible KnowledgeNevron Open Vision is developed by a company with a tradition in long life-cycle projects.Become acquainted with Nevron Open Vision – it will prove to be the most tangible .NET knowledge that you have ever gained.

Based on Open StandardsFinally a platform-independent presentation layer framework for .NET development that is based on open standards, such as W3C DOM, CSS, TrueType and many others.If you have spent some time developing web applications you already know the basics of the Nevron Open Vision – it is basically a managed, platform-independent and extensible browser.