TIFF Image Printer

With TIFF Image Printer, if you can print it, you can distribute or archive it electronically as a high-quality TIFF image file; word processing documents, graphic application files, accounting spreadsheets, legal files, and more. TIFF Image Printer provides high quality TIFF output while ensuring that created files are readable by standard image viewers. Creating a TIFF image file using TIFF Image Printer is as simple as printing to your desktop printer.

TIFF Image Printer Features

  • Output Options:
    • TIFF Images from any application.
    • Monochrome / Greyscale / Black & White TIFF.
    • Color TIFF.
    • Faxable TIFF – Fax profiles F, S, C.
    • High Resolution Support from 50dpi to 1200dpi.
    • Create single page (serialized) or multi-paged TIFF files.
    • Control TIFF file size with Color Reduction and Compression settings.
    • Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
    • Text Extraction.
  • File Creation:
    • Turn off Prompting for save location and filename.
    • Automatically View Created...

Últimas Notícias

Converta documentos e imagens em dispositivos ARM64
Converta documentos e imagens em dispositivos ARM64
July 31, 2024Publisher Update
PEERNET TIFF, PDF e Raster Image Printer agora suportam Windows 11 ARM64, garantindo a compatibilidade com os dispositivos e plataformas mais recentes.
Transforme documentos digitalizados em arquivos editáveis
Transforme documentos digitalizados em arquivos editáveis
January 10, 2024Publisher Update
Os produtos PEERNET Image Printer ganham funcionalidade OCR, facilitando a fácil conversão de PDFs e imagens digitalizadas em arquivos pesquisáveis e editáveis.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.019
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.019
July 27, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona uma nova opção de redução de cor que melhora a aparência de gradientes de cor única.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.017
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.017
January 19, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para nomes de arquivos e pastas que contêm espaços à esquerda e à direita.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.016
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.016
November 7, 2022Nova versão
Melhora a qualidade de dimensionamento de imagens ao criar arquivos em uma resolução mais baixa do que a originalmente impressa.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.014
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.014
June 8, 2022Nova versão
O novo arquivo em lote permite que você renomeie o arquivo de saída usando uma substring do nome original.

Preços a partir de: $ 57.13

A subscription license gives users complete access to all features of TIFF Image Printer for the term that the annual subscription is valid. When your annual subscription is valid, you have complete...

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Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

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Bhaskara Índia5 estrela

Though I needed only an option to convert images to higher DPI images, I still went with this product and it turned out to be a product with many options! Thanks to ComponentSource for making it... Leia mais

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