Rebex POP3

Rebex POP3 is a versatile .NET library designed to simplify email communication. It offers comprehensive support for POP3, SMTP, MIME, and S/MIME protocols, ensuring secure and efficient email exchange. With features like TLS 1.3/1.2 encryption and the ability to receive, list, and remove emails, Rebex POP3 is an ideal choice for developers building email-enabled applications or organizations requiring reliable email handling. Its compatibility with the .NET framework ensures seamless integration into your projects.

Rebex POP3 Features

  • Easy-to-use API
    • Download emails using POP3.
  • Connecting
    • Connect to servers using POP3 protocol.
    • Connect to servers using explicit or implicit TLS/SSL.
    • Switch to encrypted communication.
    • Set connection options.
    • Get info about the connection.
    • Get info about TLS/SSL connection.
  • Authentication modes
    • Username and password.
    • CRAM-MD5 authentication.
    • DIGEST-MD5 authentication.
    • APOP authentication.
    • OAuth 2.0 authentication.
    • Client certificate authentication.
    • GSSAPI.
    • Single sign-on...

Últimas Notícias

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Adicione recursos avançados de comunicação a seus aplicativos .NET 9
November 18, 2024Product Update
As versões Rebex 7.0.9083 adicionam suporte para .NET 9, oferecendo recursos avançados de segurança e comunicação otimizados para a versão .NET mais recente.
Comunicação segura por e-mail com suporte a protocolo
Comunicação segura por e-mail com suporte a protocolo
October 22, 2024Product Update
O Rebex POP3 simplifica o gerenciamento de e-mail com suporte para POP3, garantindo a integração descomplicada com .NET e uma comunicação confiável.

Preços a partir de: $ 195.02

A Developer License is licensed on per-developer basis. You have to obtain a valid license for each person who writes code which directly uses the component. Run-time Royalty free. Support Contract: A...

Rebex POP3 também está disponível em:

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Como distribuidores oficiais e autorizados, a ComponentSource fornece a você licenças legítimas diretamente de Rebex.
Component Type
  • .NET 9.0/8.0/7.0/6.0/5.0
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, 4.0-4.8.1
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • Mono 6.0 or higher
  • Xamarin.iOS 13.10 or later
  • Xamarin.Android 10.1 or later

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