Rebex POP3
Uma biblioteca POP3 .NET robusta para uma comunicação por e-mail segura e eficiente.
Publicado por Rebex
Distribuído pela ComponentSource desde 2003
Preços a partir de: $ 195.02 Versão: 7.0.9147 Atualizado: Jan 15, 2024
Rebex POP3 is a versatile .NET library designed to simplify email communication. It offers comprehensive support for POP3, SMTP, MIME, and S/MIME protocols, ensuring secure and efficient email exchange. With features like TLS 1.3/1.2 encryption and the ability to receive, list, and remove emails, Rebex POP3 is an ideal choice for developers building email-enabled applications or organizations requiring reliable email handling. Its compatibility with the .NET framework ensures seamless integration into your projects.
Rebex POP3 Features
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