SharePoint Lookup Pack

SharePoint Lookup Pack bundle of three products that enhance and compliment the default SharePoint lookup column function. Quickly cross-reference data from a list or site then apply a combination of filters to reduce the options presented in menus to eliminate error from incompatible values. Cross-site Lookup refers to information from another site, while Cascaded Lookup establishes more relationships with lists then trims down information as choices in lists are made. Lookup Tracker summarizes information related to an item in a list.

SharePoint Cascaded Lookup
Cascaded Lookup is also a lookup tool with powerful features that establishes relationship with lists. It creates more choices on dropdown menus but at the same time cuts down choices as data is specified within each drop-down menu, thus also cutting down lookup time.

SharePoint Cross-site Lookup
Cross-site Lookup is a much simpler but feature-packed lookup tool that gets information from any site in a site collection. A find-as-you-type functionality filters items...

Últimas Notícias

Atualização do SharePoint Lookup Pack
Atualização do SharePoint Lookup Pack
June 27, 2022Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition.
SharePoint Lookup Pack - Lançamento fev 2020
SharePoint Lookup Pack - Lançamento fev 2020
February 27, 2020Nova versão
O Cascaded Lookup adiciona a capacidade de criar um novo item sob o estilo Seletor de Item.
Lançamento do SharePoint Lookup Pack Jan 2020
Lançamento do SharePoint Lookup Pack Jan 2020
January 17, 2020Nova versão
Agora, compatível com o Microsoft SharePoint 2019.
SharePoint Lookup Pack - lançamento em maio de 2019
SharePoint Lookup Pack - lançamento em maio de 2019
May 24, 2019Nova versão
A consulta difusa agora está disponível no controle suspenso Filtro no modo de exibição Tabela.

Preços a partir de: $ 1,175.02

SharePoint Server License - Each WFE (Web Front End Server) will require a Server License (For SharePoint 2007: all servers running the SP Web Application service will need to be licensed; for...

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Sistema operacional para desenvolvimento
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2003

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