Stimulsoft Reports.WPF
Adicione relatórios aos seus aplicativos WPF.
Publicado por Stimulsoft
Distribuído pela ComponentSource desde 2008
Preços a partir de: $ 783.95 Versão: 2025.1.x NOVO Atualizado: Jan 24, 2025
Stimulsoft Reports.WPF is a reporting component developed for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Many WPF features are available including: rich rendering, viewing, printing and exporting reports etc. With Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf you only need to use a couple of lines of code to execute complex operations with a report. The report engine offers many features for report creation including: a designer, viewer, data binding, WYSIWYG printing, exporting (PDF, XPS, Excel, Word, Open Office) and more.
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Stimulsoft Reports.WPF Features
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