Lançamentos do WebStorm

Released: Jul 23, 2018

Atualizações na 2018.2


  • JavaScript & TypeScript
    • New inspection tooltip - The new inspection tooltip now not only shows the description of an error or warning, but also the best quick fix for it.
    • Find unused code - With the new Code Coverage feature, you can find any unused code in your client-side app. Start a JavaScript Debug configuration with coverage in WebStorm, interact with your app in Chrome, and then stop the configuration. The report will show you what and how much code was used in each file and...

Released: Mar 26, 2018

Atualizações na 2018.1


  • New documentation UI - WebStorm 2018.1 now inlcude a new, more compact, lightweight documentation popup. It uses a more clear and consistent format to present the available information about the method’s parameters, their type and their return type in JavaScript and TypeScript. It also renders Markdown used in the JSDoc comments.
  • TypeScript improvements - In addition to the support for the latest TypeScript 2.7 features, this update improves the Implement Members action and adds the new...

Released: Nov 28, 2017

Atualizações na 2017.3


  • JavaScript & TypeScript
    • New Pull Member Up refactoring - With this new refactoring you can now move class methods up the class hierarchy - from your current JavaScript or TypeScript class to its parent class or interface.
    • Extract type alias and interface - The new Extract type alias refactoring for TypeScript allows you to create an alias for a complex type and automatically replace all its usages with the new name. There’s also a new intention to help you convert a type alias into...

Released: Aug 2, 2017

Atualizações na 2017.2.1


  • JavaScript & TypeScript
    • Improved webpack support - Coding assistance in JavaScript files now respects webpack module resolution. Now when you’re using a complex webpack configuration with aliases and multiple modules, WebStorm will properly resolve paths in import statements and will suggest symbols to import.
    • Move symbol refactoring - With the new Move Symbol refactoring, you can now safely move classes, global functions or variables in ES6 modules from one JavaScript or TypeScript...

Released: Mar 20, 2017

Atualizações na 2017.1



  • Vue.js support - Enjoy coding assistance for Vue template language and the language of your choice in the script and style blocks of a .vue file. The IDE automatically completes Vue components and adds required imports for them.
  • Auto import for React components - Select a React component defined in your application in the completion popup - and the IDE will add an import for it automatically. Forgot to import React? WebStorm will suggest a fix.
  • Angular language service - To...

Released: Nov 15, 2016

Atualizações na 2016.3


  • Flow support - You can now see type errors reported by Flow, a static type checking system, right in the WebStorm editor as you work with your code, without having to save files. You can also use code completion results provided by Flow.
  • Better TypeScript - TypeScript code analysis and completion are now powered by the TypeScript language service, thanks to which the errors reported in the editor are now consistent with the compiler. On top of that, WebStorm provides its own powerful...

Released: Jul 11, 2016

Atualizações na 2016.2


  • TypeScript 2.0 support - WebStorm brings support for many features of TypeScript 2.0: optional class members, readonly property, never type, this function type, global module export declaration, resolve for type declarations in @types folder, path mappings based module resolution, and more. Also, try smarter support for enums.
  • Convert to arrow function - The IDE takes the next step in helping you upgrade your code to ECMAScript 6. Press Alt+Enter on a callback function, and the new...

Released: May 18, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in 2016.1.2b

  • An important update for all IntelliJ-based IDEs - This update addresses critical security vulnerabilities inside the underlying IntelliJ Platform. The vulnerabilities, in various forms, are also present in older versions of the IDEs; therefore, patches for those are also available.
  • Built-in web server vulnerabilities - The cross-site request forgery (CSRF) flaw in the IDE’s built-in webserver allowed an attacker to access local file system from a malicious web page without...

Released: Mar 18, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in 2106.1

Language Support

  • Better Refactoring Options - Improved refactoring for ECMAScript 6 and TypeScript, including Create method, Extract method, Inline method and Introduce field.
  • Unused Import Inspection - Any unused import statements in ECMAScript 6 and TypeScript are now highlighted in the editor.
  • Better TypeScript Support - The IDE now adds imports statement as you type.
  • Support for CSS Custom Properties - Includes code completion for variable names, jump to variable...

Released: Nov 5, 2015

Updates in this release

Updates in 11

  • TypeScript 1.5 and 1.6 - Coding assistance for JSX, ES6 generators and modules, local types and other TypeScript new features.
  • Better ECMAScript 2015 Support - WebStorm 11 includes smarter coding assistance for named exports in import statements.
  • Formatting for Chained Method Calls - The new formatting options provide greater flexibility in configuring indents and wrappings for chained method calls in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • New Node.js Inspections - New inspections alert you if...