FlexGantt V2.1

7月 1, 2013


  • Added spreadsheet feature (see: ISpreadsheet, SpreadsheetLayer, etc...)
  • Enhanced the printing routine. Print outs can now be decorated with a title, a logo, and three different footer texts (left, center, right). Printing also supports several variables for adding page numbers, page count, the date, the username. Please take a look at the PrintSetup class for more information.
  • Added a new system layer called ActionLayer, which is used to display a timeline object-specific toolbar with action buttons. Please take a look at the IActionProvider, DefaultActionProvider, and ActionLayer classes.
  • Brought back the "old" cursors for dragging and resizing timeline objects. They are disabled by default but can be activated via DragLayer.setShowingDefaultCursors(false).
  • Made the number of clicks needed to trigger a zoom operation inside the dateline configurable. Dateline.setZoomClicks(int);
  • Added packages for scheduling logic support. Introduced a constraint concept, which can cause violations. Violations can be automatically resolved.
  • Extended IRelationship with method setType(RelationshipType t);
  • LassoLayer can now be completely disabled by calling setVisible(false);
  • Added a method to time granularities to return the standard duration of one unit of the granularity. See: IGranularity.getStandardDuration();
  • Made ITimeSpan serializable
  • Added a MultiGanttChartSynchController class to synchronize scrolling in several Gantt charts at the same time.


  • Fixed a bug that threw an exception when the user used the mouse wheel over an empty gantt chart.
  • Fixed a bug that painted the alternating background / row color in the wrong row when the gantt chart was empty.
  • Fixed printing for Java 7.


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