ReSharper 2018.3

添加 C# 和 VB.NET 的内联参数名称提示。
12月 19, 2018


  • Inline parameter name hints for C# and VB.NET - This release adds parameter name hints to the code editor to make C# and VB.NET code more readable. When a literal is used in a method call ReSharper annotates it with the name of the parameter, making it much easier to understand what value it represents.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 support - ReSharper now has early support for Visual Studio 2019 and can be integrated into Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 build.
  • Auto-detection of formatter settings and naming style - ReSharper now detects code formatting style from your code and adjusts the formatter settings accordingly.
  • Improved C# 7 deconstruction support - In this release, Go To Declaration/Implementation supports deconstruction declarations, new/updated inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions.
  • Сode inspections for NUnit - This update introduces a set of code inspections with corresponding quick-fixes and context actions to help you write NUnit tests faster.
  • VB.NET 15.3 and 15.5 language support - In addition to C#, ReSharper continues improving its VB.NET support and now supports all the features from the latest VB.NET language versions, such as:
    • Named tuple inference.
    • Leading hex/binary/octal separator.
    • Non-trailing named arguments.
    • Private Protected member access modifier.
  • Code Analysis - Several new inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions were added to C# and VB.NET code analysis for different cases, including:
    • The Set C#/VB.NET language version quick-fix gets an option to set the language version for all C#/VB.NET projects in a solution. It works for both .NET Framework and .NET Core projects.
    • A new quick-fix, Allow unsafe code in this project, is available.
    • Initialize members to create and fill the object initializer.
  • TypeScript 3.0 support - ReSharper now supports TypeScript 3.0 and works with such new language features as:
    • Unknown top type.
    • Optional elements in tuple types.
    • Rest elements in tuple types.
    • Rest parameters with tuple types.
    • Spread expressions with tuple types.
    • Generic rest parameters.
  • Initial localization support in ASP.NET Core - ReSharper supports the new localization procedure introduced in the latest ASP.NET Core to help you localize your web applications in a modern way. You can make use of ReSharper’s assistance in Controller, View, and resource files. It includes:
    • Go to declaration on the resource usage.
    • Find Usages on the resource node in a resx file.
    • An inspection on a resource usage if the resource declaration is missing in resx files for different cultures, with a corresponding quick-fix.
    • Most refactorings related to resources: Move, Rename, Inline, and Safe Delete.
    • Several context actions inside a resx file to modify the resource entity.
  • More ReSharper updates
    • Now you can use the Go To Action popup to find Options pages.
    • The Introduce parameter refactoring is now available for local functions.
    • To make ReSharper more FIPS-compliant, we stopped using the md5 hash algorithm and eliminated all its previous uses in the codebase.
    • You can select which font style ReSharper Editor Adornments should inherit: Visual Studio IntelliSense or Text Editor.
    • Show Inspection Help is now available for inspections in the Inspection Results and Error in Solution windows if the inspection has a corresponding help article.
    • What used to be a single "Method, Property, Event" naming style is now three separate ones: "Method", "Property", and "Event".
    • The Code formatter in C#, JS, HTML, and XML files now takes into account the indent from the previous nodes.
    • A new separate code formatter option was added, for the continuous indent inside initializers braces.
  • Performance optimizations - Performance was been optimized in several areas:
    • Loading assemblies stage was refactored to speed up solution loading.
    • Keyword completion has become faster and more precise, resulting in less auto-popup latency overall.
    • Thanks to quick sorting of items, code completion gets faster.
    • Value Tracking now gathers results asynchronously.
  • Command Line Tools - A couple of new keys were added to Command Line Tools:
    • Verbosity - only saves issues of certain severity levels to the output.
    • Jobs - runs code analysis in multi-thread mode.
Parameter name hints


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