DevExpress VCL Subscription 19.1.7

改进了 PDFViewer、RichEdit 和电子表格控件。
11月 28, 2019


ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - Customization Form - The "Reset all customizations" option does not restore the ribbon tab order after reopening the Form

ExpressDocking Library

  • Dock panels insufficiently increase their captions for a large font size specified by a dock panel or a docking manager

ExpressEditors Library

  • cxComboBox - The item selection state in a combo box dropdown window does not update according to the combo box edit value in certain cases, provided that the Properties.DropDownListStyle property is set to lsEditList
  • cxDateEdit - The modern-style drop-down calendar truncates day names if the MingLiU font is used and the "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)" format is selected in the system's regional settings
  • TcxShellListView - A shell item being dragged can be dropped only to the currently accessed shell item

ExpressGDI+ Library

  • TdxGPImage and descendants - The Flip procedure adds an extra row and/or column of transparent pixels at the top and/or left image border if the AHorizontally and/or AVertically parameters are set to True


  • The TcxLocalizer.LoadFromResource procedure's AHandle parameter is not 64-bit compatible

ExpressMap Control

  • The map control incorrectly sizes the dot and ellipse vector items if they display borders


  • The SaveToStream, SaveToIniFile, and SaveToRegistry procedures incorrectly store link and child group positions if the OptionsBehavior.Common.AllowChildGroups property is set to True


  • A transparency group in an unsupported blend mode ignores transparency information when printed
  • An annotation defined in an inline object stored in a PDF object array is not displayed

ExpressPrinting System

  • Export to PDF - All PDF export procedures that accept a custom target file name as a parameter ignore a report link's PDFExportOptions.OpenDocumentAfterExport property value
  • PDF Viewer Report Link - The size of a printed document page's content is incorrect if the PrinterPage.ScaleMode property is set to smAdjust
  • PivotGrid.OptionsView.GridLines is not respected for items with Properties assigned when printing
  • Print Preview - The Advanced dialog causes the"XXX is not valid integer value" error on selecting a localized item from the drop-down Zoom list
  • Spreadsheet Report Link incorrectly prints cell borders whose style is different from sscbsDefault, sscbsThin, sscbsMedium, sscbsThick, or sscbsDouble

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • The "RowIndex out of range" exception occurs on selecting two or more rows in certain cases after changing grouped columns if the View's OptionsSelection.MultiSelect property is set to True

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • TcxDBTreeList replaces the parent field value of a child node created by calling a bound dataset's Insert method and assigning the parent field's Value property within the DisableControls/EnableControls method block

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • The "Shape Fill", "Shape Outline", and "Shape Outline Weight" commands and their associated actions cannot be localized

ExpressSkins Library

  • An AV occurs when the IDE opens a DFM file whose Grid, Tree List, or Vertical Grid control is the first control to be skinned by TcxLookAndFeelController or TdxSkinController
  • Cannot compile a custom Skin-Project for the 64bit Platform
  • Export - ExpressQuantumGrid - Footer text blends with its background in the resulting document when one of certain skins is in effect


  • RTF-formatted cell values change their color to default when activating an in-place cell editor in certain cases
  • The "Control has no parent window" exception occurs when adding TdxSpreadSheetFormulaBar to a form if an application or a component container that is currently opened in the IDE contains TcxDefaultEditStyleController whose Style.Color property is modified
  • The RANDBETWEEN function with the second parameter greater than 100 cannot return all values from the specified range
  • The ROUND function works differently than in MS Excel in certain cases

ExpressTile Control

  • TdxTileControl - A detail page flickers when activated or resized if this page displays a control whose ParentBackground property is set to True and an image is assigned to the tile control's Style.Texture property
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