更新了 Infragistics Ignite UI for Angular

添加对 Angular 10 的支持。
7月 1, 2020


  • Added support for Angular 10.
  • Behavioral Changes in the Grid - Group rows now display the group column's header name.
  • Behavioral Changes in the Select, Combo and Drop-Down components - The select, combo, and drop-down components now have display block and text-overflow ellipsis enabled by default.
  • Pagination Templating - The paging area now supports templating by the user, if a template reference is passed to the Grid during initialization
  • Hint support for Select component - This released adds igxHint directive support in the igxSelect component.
  • Updated Range Date Picker component inputs - Now the Range Date picker component will update its input values on each calendar interaction using input projections.
  • Option to hide the group area row in the grid - This release adds 'showGroupArea' input, which can be used to enable/disable a group area row.
  • Event arguments - New event arguments are now available in the grid:
    • onCellEdit
    • onCellEditEnter
    • onCellEditCancel
    • onRowEdit
    • onRowEditEnter
    • onRowEditCancel
  • Ignite UI CLI 6.0.0 - Ignite UI CLI is now up to date with Angular 10 and Ignite UI 10.0.0. You can now use Step-By-Step mode and choose a framework: Angular, React or jQuery.
Infragistics Ignite UI for Angular

Infragistics Ignite UI for Angular

构建快速、现代的 web 体验。


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