Entity Developer V6.9.1083

改进了与 MySQL、MariaDB 和 Firebird 的连接。
9月 18, 2020


  • Improved the error message in Entity Developer console: now the text includes the list of all available templates if the specified name of the template was incorrect.

Entity Framework support

  • Added support for Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql in Entity Framework Core Model for connecting to MySQL and MariaDB.
  • Added "Async MySQL ADO.NET Connector" to the list of available providers in Entity Framework Core Model.
  • Added support for FirebirdSql.EntityFrameworkCore.Firebird in Entity Framework Core Model for connecting to Firebird.
  • Added "FirebirdClient" to the list of available providers in Entity Framework Core Model.
  • Improved support for "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Data Provider 3.5" and "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Data Provider 4.0".
Entity Developer

Entity Developer

用于 Entity Framework、EF Core、NHibernate 和 LINQ 到 SQL 的强大工具。


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