GrapeCity Documents for PDF

添加根据图像和 PDF 文档选项自动选择最佳图像编码的功能。
5月 21, 2021


  • Added new ImageFormat.Auto enum member, which automatically selects the optimal image encoding format based on the image and document options.
  • Added new PdfImageHandler class, which represents and manages a Drawing.IImage used in a GcPdfDocument.
  • Added new PdfImageHandlerCollection class, which represents a collection of PdfImageHandler objects.
  • Added new GcPdfDocument.ImageHandlers property, which gets the collection of PdfImageHandler objects associated with the current document.
  • Added new AnnotationBase.ModifiedDate property, which gets or sets the date and time when the annotation was modified.
  • The WidgetAnnotation.LockedContents property has been moved to the AnnotationBase base class.
GrapeCity Documents for PDF

Document Solutions for PDF

用于 .NET 的功能丰富的 PDF API 库。


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