Syncfusion Essential Studio for WinUI 2021 Volume 3

在 DataGrid 和 TreeGrid 中添加新的 ComboBox 控件以及新的日期时间和数字列。
10月 4, 2021


  • Common
    • Production-ready controls - The following controls are now production-ready for desktop applications:
      • DatePicker.
      • TimePicker.
      • NumberBox.
      • Slider.
      • Range Slider.
  • ComboBox (New)
    • The WinUI ComboBox control (DropDown List) is a text box component that allows users to type a value or choose an option from a list of predefined options. It has several out-of-the-box features, such as data binding, multiselection, filtering, UI customization, and custom templates.
      • Editable mode - Editable and non-editable text boxes to select items from the given data source.
      • Filtering - The ComboBox filters items based on the entered text and auto fills with the first suggestion.
      • Single and multiple selection - ComboBox control supports single and multiple selection. The required selection can easily be specified using the SelectionMode property.
      • Watermark - Display placeholder text inside the control until the user inputs text.
      • Style - Dropdown list items can be customized with an image or custom control using templates.
      • Localization - Localize the static text to any supported language.
  • Segmented Control (New)
    • The Segmented control provides a simple way to choose from a linear set of two or more segments, each of which functions as a mutually exclusive option.
      • Key features:
        • Customize the segment background, text color, selection style and more using the built-in features to fit your application’s theme.
        • Populate the segment items from a collection of strings and business objects.
        • Completely customize the segments with custom UI.
  • Calendar (Preview)
    • Change first day of the week based on culture - Added the ability to change the first day of the week in a calendar automatically based on the current culture.
  • DataGrid (Preview)
    • Time Column - Added the ability to show the time column and select a time using the TimePicker editor control.
    • Numeric Column - Added the ability to show the numeric column and edit the values using the NumberBox editor control.
  • Input controls
    • Header and description - The following input controls now support headers and descriptions:
      • NumberBox.
      • DatePicker.
      • TimePicker.
      • CalendarDatePicker.
  • NumberBox
    • Culture - Added the ability to modify the culture of a specific NumberBox.
    • Context menu - Added the ability to use the context menu to perform clipboard and selection operations. You can also replace it with a custom context menu.
    • Restrict maximum number of decimal digits - NumberBox will not allow users to enter more decimal digits than the specified format.
    • Input scope - NumberBox will now show a numeric keypad by default in tablet mode. It can also be changed to other types of keypads.
    • Hide text box - Added the ability to hide the text box in the NumberBox control and attach the repeat button to another control.
  • Scheduler (Preview)
    • Calendar types - Added the ability to set different calendar types such as Gregorian, Korean or Hebrew.
    • Allowed views - Scheduler view types are now listed in the scheduler header to quickly navigate among them.
    • Date navigation using date picker - Added the ability to navigate dates using a built-in date picker available in the scheduler header.
    • Resource view auto and minimum heights - Added the ability to adjust the height of the resource view in timeline views based on the appointments and set the minimum height for the resource view in timeline views.
    • Reminder event - The ReminderAlertOpening event can now be used to remind users of Scheduler events or appointments at a set time.
  • TreeGrid (Preview)
    • Date Column - Added the ability to show the date column and select a date using the CalendarDatePicker editor control.
    • Time Column - Added the ability to show the time column and select a time using the TimePicker editor control.
    • Numeric Column - Added the ability to show the numeric column and edit the values using the NumberBox editor control.
Segmented Control and ComboBox

Syncfusion Essential Studio WinUI

用于更快地开发 Windows 应用的最先进的 WinUI 工具包。


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