JetBrains Academy for Organizations - 2023 年 2 月版本

为 Python、Go 和 Java 添加 43 个新教育主题和 4 个新项目。
2月 3, 2023


  • Kotlin
    • Project: Maze Runner (Beta) - You will create a program that generates mazes and then looks for a way out of them. Practice using the Random class with lists and multidimensional arrays and storing the results in a file.
    • The Secret Diary project is now available after its Beta release.
    • Topics:
      • Additional instruments: Introduction to Kotlin decompiling, Parameterized test, Test lifecycle annotations, Introduction to logging, and Standard logging for JVM.
      • Control flow: Array exceptions and Try-with-resources.
      • Types and data structures: ArrayDeque, Stack, and Aggregate operations on collections: part 2.
  • Java
    • Project: Dolly (Beta) - This project involves cloning a remote repository. The goal is typically to make a local copy of a remote repository that is hosted on a third-party service. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of the main Git commands, such as cloning, creating branches, merging, and pushing changes to a remote repository.
    • The Rock-Paper-Scissors project has been released from Beta.
    • Topics:
      • Multithreading: Semaphores.
      • Spring Boot: Property expressions.
  • Python
    • Project: HyperForms (Beta) - Build your own Google Forms with this hands-on project. Create a dynamic web page with forms that can be filled in by visitors. Learn how to work with a Django framework, handle requests, make and render templates, and store or retrieve data from a database. Get creative and add as many forms as you like, with the ability to update them anytime.
    • Project: Nobel Laureates (Beta) - In this project, you will explore data about Nobel laureates and apply Python tools to visualize this data. This project will introduce you to the JSON file format and give you a chance to recall data preprocessing techniques. Finally, you will learn about pie plots, histograms, and box plots, and then visualize your data with Matplotlib.
    • The Decision Tree from Scratch project has been released from Beta.
    • Topics:
      • Object-oriented programming: Dataclass.
      • Python libraries: SQLAlchemy relationships.
      • Django topic: Relationship fields.
  • Go
    • Topics: Best practices for writing Go code.
    • Released the Regex Engine project from Beta.
  • Scala
    • Topic: Objects and package objects.
  • Data science
    • Topics:
      • Machine learning: Introduction to K-Nearest Neighbors.
      • NLP: Extractive text summarization, Text generation evaluation metrics, Text simplification, Text summarization, and Word embeddings.
  • Frontend
    • Topics:
      • HTML: HTML progress and meter.
      • JavaScript: Math methods, Cookies, Drag and Drop, and Array Add/Remove elements.
  • Mobile
    • Topics: Jetpack Compose Project Structure and Text Composable.
  • Math
    • Topics: Linear equations, U-substitution, Arrangements, Binomial theorem, and Properties and laws of Boolean logic.
  • Fundamentals
    • Topics:
      • Algorithms and structures: Maximum flow problem.
      • Databases and SQL: Transaction isolation levels and Regex in MongoDB.
      • Dev tools: Dockerfile (USER, WORKDIR, EXPOSE).
      • Essentials: Proxy pattern, Functional and non-functional requirements, Three-tier architecture, and Intro to WebSockets.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations



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